Is WoW 2.0 Happening? Azeroth RESET After World Soul Saga!

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Could WoW 2 become an actual reality after the world soul saga and the Last Titan?
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By all accounts the world soul saga is a huge crossroads that is looking to wrap up World of Warcraft as we know it. Azeroth is very likely to awaken and some giant ground breaking event will happen where we are not just going to go back to normal life after the Last Titan. Everyone has been coming for our world soul which is why we have been constantly under an invasion but after we free her, what else is there to really do? This saga could be a perfect bridge into WoW 2. Blizzard has been running multiple versions of the game at the same time with over 7 million subscribers, recently with Pandaria remix we’ve been running 2 versions of retail at the same time.

Chris Metzen said they are bringing in new 20 years of WoW but could these new 20 years involve a new version of the game. Imagine our characters finally settle and we get Azeroth a few hundred years into the future. Brand new characters, brand new cities, possibly new races, Azeroth would look completely different compared to now. They could dial down significantly on the gameplay complexity, introduce amazing next gen graphics and build a brand new type of an mmo that might not even be your typical mmorpg. So could we see WoW 2 after the world soul saga?

All of the footage used in the video is copyrighted by Blizzard Entertainment unless stated otherwise. Due to images being shared across various sites it is quite difficult to find who the original artists are. If I used your work I’d be more than happy to give you full credit, just contact me at [email protected]


25 thoughts on “Is WoW 2.0 Happening? Azeroth RESET After World Soul Saga!”

  1. Im happy that Blizzard is FINALLY trying to compete with FF14’s MSQ.

    I play both WoW retail, Classic, and FF14, and one of the biggest things that WoW retail is missing out on compared to its main competitor, FF14. WoW was lacking a proper MSQ, but the World Soul Saga seems to be tapping more into the realm a proper MSQ/campaign that is easy to follow.

    WoW always had potential to have a MSQ and become more story driven/focused, as seen with Warcraft 1,2,3. And TWW shows us that a proper MSQ/Campaign system can work very well for WoW, and with FF14 fumbling Dawntrail, this is the best time for Blizzard to out pace them, and make WoW friendly to both regular players and Solo players, with the introduction of Follower Dungeons and Delves.

    But with all that said, I dont think they will make a WoW 2. I’m 98% sure they will keep WoW retail as the main modern version and continue to update it. From a business stand point there really isnt much gain for Blizzard to make WoW2, as it would be too costly and most Retail players have all their stuff time invested into the current WoW retail.

  2. Nece se to desiti, jer svet je u krizi i ko ce jos da kupuje graficku od 3k eura da bi mogao da igra takvu igru.. 😀 Znaju i oni za jadac, ali svakako da ce biti samo maaaalcice bolje od vec postojecih, a jedino sto mogu da urade i da svako moze da igra, jeste da recimo Azeroth ode skroz u buducnost, recmo kao 19 vek / 20 vek cak mozda i 21 vek ili skroz nesto u nerealnu buducnost, laseri, avioni, puske, i sicno. Ne verujem da bi ovako veliku stvar stavili na rizik da ce ga od 100% sadasnjih igraca igrati samo 5% i to burzuji koji imaju viska novaca da se razbacuju i kupuju ALIENCORE racunare. (pogotovo ne u ovom haosu koji vlada ovim svetom (fejk ekonomska kriza, etc, etc, etc..) ) Ali svakako da bi posle World Soul Sage trebalo nesto novo da ide. Lore je tu super, medjutim, pitanje je '' sta dalje? '' to ti je kao i kod Tolkien-a, kad je zavrsio Lotr, samo je napisao: '' postoje jos neke senke koje su se nadvile nad Middle Earth-om, ali za sada tipa nisu jos tako jake, ali ce se Aragornov i Arwenin sin suociti sa njima. '' E tako i sa Azeroth-om. Ko bi jos mogao da bude pretnja? Posle Xal'atath, mogu jos jedino Void Lordovi, moze Sargeras da se otrgne i da ih sve iznabada tamo, moze recimo opet nesto sa Timelordovima, neki kao Murozond/Nozdormu fora (dr. Who references) moze i recimo neka Alienish rasa (sto je i najrealnije jos) '' i na kraju, moze The Final War expanzija, znaci, Aliajsa i Horda, na zivot i smrt i to je to, posle toga, kraj. (nazalost, to je ono sto iko od nas ne zeli) 😀

  3. in end of Shadow Land, i hate Blizzard I never spend money to play Blizzard I play private servers that promise to bring back Arthas they kill Arthas why do I pay every month to play the game I buy? when 198 years ago we paid because not even one game existed like world of warcraft that's a unique game but now why I must pay every month? blizzard money graber when I back play bliizard see change real change

  4. I think you may be right. WoW going into maintenance mode and becoming a progression experience with seasonal servers makes financial sense. People often forget that by in large the game has lost upwards of 10 million concurrent players since WoTK. That the remaining player base consists of min-max meta-achievement chasers/mount farmers, Gladiator PVP chasers and a solid foundation of casuals here for the story. With the bulk of players returning briefly for expansions but then leaving. since there isn't a long form aspect of the game, that ties them in, after the pacing of progression and gearing requirements leaves them behind in the current format. Consider how bloated the game is already. Adding even more would only shrink the player base further. When they could just do a "reset" every 2 years on progression that players set the pace on. A-la remix style. Allowing them to build a separate player experience in WoW2 that wouldn't aggro the current players with the intention of bring back more long form play for another 10 years. AS well as debute their new engine and be open to tell different stories outside of the current locked lore.

  5. I don't know guys. I'm from the generation of kids that played Warcraft 3 and we barely had internet back than. Playing wow for the first time was like people going to the cinema for the first time. It was an absolute visceral experience that was pleasantly shocking.
    Gosh I loved the first time playing WOW having finished the warcraft campaign a couple of times and playing so many custom maps made by the community.
    For me, in order for wow 2.0 to make a difference it would have to be similar to Guild wars 2, with dynamic quests and world quests where people can join in.
    Thanks for reading

  6. After World Soul Sage the game will be dead bro. Only people that will be playing it is the extreme fan boys who have spent thousand of dollars in transmogs and mount farms. The sad thing will be they will only show themself this virtual achievement and no one will really care. World of Warcraft is not world or warcraft anymore.

    The world is extremely dead with more fake NPC than players, zones are dead, blizzard and experimenting with making dungeons and raids with NPC, meaning not an MMORPG game but a RPG game.

    Its not Warcraft since there is no faction war, something that was the root the game since warcraft II and III, story is garbage (shadowlands that ruined all WoW history) and so much more.

    PVP is long dead, bots everywhere, gold selling everywhere, boosting everywhere…its a joke…thank got the Chris Metzen hype extended the life till end of World Soul Saga…but it will only last till then 🙂


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