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Bellular & Matt talk Shadowlands & everything they find NOT ideal
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I wish they would just bring back the earlier beta version of Torghast or at least revert to that base idea and come to the conclusion of infinite floors that rewards you based on how far you go, not this less and less floors logic and putting it on a time trial. Roguelikes just lose all the fun when you mega cap it, first up with the floors but also if you go twisting corridors you run into your powers being capped as they won't give you the same upgrade again when you've gotten it X times which just feels bad in the case of going for a whole lot of -cooldown for an abillity just to know that even if you cap it out you won't reach a stage where you can use it as much as you want and therefor taking the -cooldown upgrades are just bad (example: death knights and -40 sec cooldown on army)
Patch 9.2 should just auto transfer your sub to FF14 at this point. Im just done man….
content quality taking a nosedive
3:00 like Warfronts… or Island Expeditions ? At what point became WoW "oh man i GOTTA do this really tedious lame stuff"?
Current day retail WoW makes launch day ESO look like a masterpiece.
Virtue signallers. Aren’t genuinely interested in FF14 but retaining viewers and subs. FF community don’t be so eager to give away all the details of the game to these strangers having completely insulated gaming experiences with thier own community while not addressing the main issue of everyone from WoW leaving : toxic community and boosting.
I keep looking at 9.1 and i feel less and less excited about WoW, i used to get hyped for every upcoming WoW patch, even in BFA
but nothing about SL's content excites me
the story sucks
the covenants suck
the gearing sucks
the systems suck
we're not getting any cool armor sets for the new raid, it's just recolored legendary gear that you can buy from the AH
and everything is timegated
So speaking of gear lol….. they allow people to pay gold to get carried to get the best gear in game I call that pay to win though I know that some players earn gold by farming but it possible to get gold by spending real money so in turn it pay to win witch is close to violating code of conduct. If it isn’t then comes to why bother playing if your just paying to get best gear vs earn it? I don’t have much hope in blizzard let alone then to listen. I been playing wow sense 2004-2021 and it makes me sad where it has come too. For multiple reasons I don’t think I be playing wow again
Well it wouldnt be early access if they didnt rewrite the whole game direction from scratch every expansion.
At this point, the inly way blizzard can recover is to make the game free (but keep the subs fees)
they tried to copy Ff14s endless dungeon and failed hard
Neath dark waters is such a good choice for bgm…
Imagine if different leggos actually did change up gameplay in fun ways, rather than 90% being passive boosts that just fit into whatever your class was already doing.
WOW is at the end at its life cycle and it shows.
There is nothing left in wow that i think to myself, "I cant wait to get home and do x". Even raids are becoming stale. I think this is the jumping off point. Sucks because I want wow to be great. Before anyone suggests it, I've been playing FFXIV for 10 years now so I'm not too bummed cause there's something there already, but it's a bummer nonetheless.
I'm playing on a private server, I have been for 4 months now I'm not looking back they expect way too much money for what you are getting in modern WoW and I'm tired of paying for an expansion and then monthly every time a new expansion comes out, how many times do I need to buy the same fucking game. They overvalue their game a lot, it's the foolish whales that are making it bad for everyone because they're not willing to stop paying for the stupid game cuz they have more money than brains. Come at me blizzard stupid bitch lol.
heroic raiders that dont even do m+ are bitching about endgame content and character progression. just what the community needs. shadowlands is very good, the patch cycle is just too long, that's all. honestly why would a heroic raider care about conduits and sockets??
It's wild how theyve had these systems worked out years ago, but they scrap them and start over just for the sake of doing something "new".
The 6 floor runs being mandatory is what kills my enjoyment of Torghast. They're not long enough for me to get enough fun powers so it feels like a chore, hence Choreghast. If I could get my soul ash every 6 floors in Twisting Corridors I would immediately feel much better about having to do it because I could get to floor 12, and perhaps attempt a clear if I like the build I got by that floor. It would also make dying at floor 17 feel less like a waste of time if I got my weekly soul ash during that run.
honestly lately (past many? years) it feels like blizzard is making wow as a burnout simulator. Lots of annoying things you don't wanna deal with but the devs are like "hey you need to do this or no groups will take you" essentially making you do the same stuff you don't wanna do in their half arsed butchered down versions of game mechanics over and over again until you feel like just quitting the game.
It felt like that since MoP, so why would people feel like it wasn't for up to this expansion? Generally curious here and it's not a jab. I remember how WoW had hype for patches.
I actually have fun with Twisting Corridors, but there is ZERO reason to do it again. I have only reentered it to help a friend progress. There is NOTHING there. Some fucking anima at least? Nope. Nothing. I thought the whole point of moving from challenge mode dungeons to Mythic+ was to have constant repeatable content. Not for Torghast apparently.
Fucking weird dev team. Amazing art, music, fluid character gameplay, but then the systems are like a toddler scribbling on a wall. The fuck?
i'm just gonna say this: i heard you all (bellular, preach, asmon) and other players saying shadowlands was promising. never again. when the next expansion comes around (if there's a next expansion) i won't buy it unless its like a year after release, to verify if it's still good.
Screw retail let it die, tbc and wrath better
Where does this stream even happen? I wpuld love to be able to catch it live
Every company has its ups and downs. Its blizz acting like arrogant twats that pisses me off.
Torghi is like a water downed and/or about everything you could wrong in making a version of FFXIV Palace of the Dead
I feel like there is no confidence in how WoW is run anymore, they put in a system where 90% of the community doesn’t want, then they stick to it and change it halfway into the life circle of the xpack, they need to listen to ptr feedback and implement the feedback from the start, as soon as I log into WoW now I just get frustrated and log off. PS: world quest is annoying as F now
it is period