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Is WoW PVP Actually Dead!?
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Is WoW PVP Actually Dead!?
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Haven’t taken Bellendular seriously since 2016, he’s always made entertaining content but he’s got no objectivity on any subject outside of how to code a game
Not dead but surely a shell of its former self. If they keep devoting what little resources they have towards the rated, and more specifically the higher end rated players you'll just continue to see the casual playerbase die off and as the higher end leaves due to life no one will be there to replace them. I believe it's already happening hence the MMR issues but they keep investing in the failure which is accelerating the decay. Looks like business as usual for Microsoft-Blizzard, LMK when Ion goes back to just designing raids.
As an adult father with a job, the "Blitz" battlefield is the only mode I can enjoy. Equal distribution of teams (Heal, DD, Tanks), scaling of equipment.
It's just too frustrating to get slaughtered by R1 twinks in SoloShuffle or RankedArena 😀
good video 👍
This is copium and not addressing the main issue. Pvp is inaccessible. I was a middle of the pack pvp player in MOP around 1750 3s rbg 2k. I returned to play dragonflight. I couldnt find a guild with more than 2 active players on darkspear. Moved to kt couldn't find a guild. Nobody will take you into a guild if you dont have 2200 plus threes experience. So i pushed solos. All well and good until my queues would take over an hour. I quit two months after coming back and spending over one hundred dollars on the game. Now imagine a new player getting into pvp.. they wont. The player base is capped and can only degrade. Thinking otherwise is pure copium and delusional
GGG hides all the numbers from everyone because they know even smart people interpret it with bias and it wastes everyones time
sorry man, it's dead, we're done.
Mythic plus ruined pvp for good by overloading melee on instant cc and utility and gap closers and now that ive realized how braindead they made the current "pvp" im out for good and i am sure many other caster players feel the same, just not enjoyable anymore
Best expansion so far, i NEVER enjoyed WOW as much since wotlk/cata. Thanks for speaking up for us Supatease, you get my twitch sub right now
PvP needs proper rewards for the effort and time you spend… needs to be relevant for the game overall … not just like a minigame
You sound like you're coping for the fact that wow pvp used to be fun now is absolutely trash now. No one likes to play wow pvp. This data pretty accurate.
Sod pvp is a joke ik that and wrath was the best pvp experience back in the day cata ruined the game period
Safety net would actually help the game in more than one way. When you pay cash for a carry they purposely lose the first 10 games before boosting.
Is SupaTease actually GAY!?
Bellular and Matt are just dickheads in my opinion. They're like "k lets shit on PvP – oh wait, how many players are in a solo shuffle lobby? Is it 9? I wanna say 8" – they dont have a fucking clue.
Who would have expected this opinion from a multiple R1 player who is actively involved in the game? PvP is not in a good spot numbers speak for themselves, you cant argue against that.
I agree that a safety net system would be a very important thing. Like some other games, once you reach one of the particular brackets that are already present in the game (combatant 1-2, rival 1-2, etc.) you cannot go down this bracket. Maybe you can voluntarily opt to go to a bracket lower from an NPC or something, but not through loosing games from playing.
Please NOT league of legends MMR 😂😂😂
Bro really measuring from the shaft and adjusting for TMI
Pvp to hard my pussy hurts
THANK YOU!!!!! Finally someone gets it. I hope this video gets shared across all social media platforms so more see it. The amount of daily Reddit posts complaining that PvP is dead is ridiculous and unfounded. Thank you for speaking out about this! ❤
2400 feels gate kept by rank 1 players and bots these days
Just add seperate reward tracks to random bgs/ rated pvp. Make the tracks filled with gold/ mats/ transmog/ mounts. There are tons of people who do casual pvp. But they always complain the rewards suck/ no way to make gold. We should be rewarding this part of the playerbase not punishing them.
As of this morning 34 players are tied for the 5000th rank in 3v3 @ 2187cr so that should tell you a lot about this data
Damage had been done already. Asmongold glazers are in full force everywhere.
I am a long time PvPer..both in WoW and a dozen other MMORPGs + LoL and Dota since launch (more than a decade). The solution for WoW PvP will be Blizzard's focus on World PvP and BGs. That is where MMO PvP shines, not semi competitive wannabe eSport like Arena. Casuals feel more impactful there, addon bloat is not THAT necessary, and team effort shines more than the individual. That will literally fix all issues.
Also, regarding Bellular's video…giga cringe to see both of them not even knowing how many rounds or players in team are per Solo Shuffle. Personally, I would avoid talking about things I know nothing about, but hey, you gotta keep that content flowing!
You made a good point in the fact that people reach a rating and maybe don’t want to do rated pvp anymore because of fear of losing that rating. That won’t happen in mythic plus.
Just remember people, PVErs are playing game the game on easy mode. 99% of pvers couldnt hit 1800 in pvp. however, 99.99% of pvpers over 1600 could pve without any issue at all.
Honestly cant really stand watching Bellular. I dont think he's even played the game in years.
Thanks for the video supatease 🤙