Is WoW Worth Playing in 2023?

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🌍🎮 Is World of Warcraft still worth your time in 2023? Join us at MarcelianOnline as we dive deep into the current state of WoW, exploring its pros and cons, and discussing whether it’s the right game for you! We’ll cover everything from gameplay updates, content philosophy, and the overall experience for both new and veteran players. Don’t miss out on this comprehensive analysis! 🚀🔥

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30 thoughts on “Is WoW Worth Playing in 2023?”

  1. Nope thanks, I am coming back in TWW when we get warbands and dynamic flying on more mounts than a couple of recolor dragons with a story that isn't fast and furry-ous.

  2. I came hopeful. Few seconds into the video I see the UI and mods needed. I mentally checked out 😂 I watched the entire video still. Will try again next year 🤣

  3. Great points on all accounts, except the story is crap for children. Its Disney wonderland and friendship is power….. Other than that the reworks, dungeon pool, and new raid are all fantastic! The Emerald Dream is also a pretty great zone. I was expecting a bit more from the new zone considering its profoundness in the lore, but its solid content.

  4. One thing that drives me nuts is how Disney Dragonflight is. This game seems like it’s made for kids when the vast majority of the population is grown adults.

    I really want WoW to have a more mature theme and the the Worldsoul saga seems like it’s it

  5. It is for sure the best state Wow is since Legion, I really hope that warbands and delves will turn out awesome because that will add so mutch content, finally being able to do something other than raid and m+ and get gear, finally something to do in the world besides boring world quests, and I don't have to worry about all the reps my old main has

  6. Wow is worth playing by new players that haven't expericened the older expansions because for old players this version people call WOW now is just a shadow of what the game used to be: everyone has basically a BL/hero and a Cr/Bress, and there isn't any class idenity ,there isn't any beef between horde and alliance anymore and everyone lives happy together, Tier lists are ruining the game in m+, Aug evoker has ruined the game in m+ leaving spot for only 2 dps, the story is as lame as it could be , there is no world pvp, there isn't specific pvp gear anymore( because you can't call versatillity a pvp stat since it's being used in pve aswell : missing resillience , pvp power), there are way too many currencies , the game has the worst loot system that has ever been( honestly missing the bonus loot tokens), the game even took out the spit emote cuz people get offended, no genres in char selection cuz people get offended, mixed raids? mixed guilds? every game part has a boosting service( pvp, pve, leveling , dungeons, raids etc that no one cares about) nahhhh this isn't wow this is more like one of those insta lvl pay to win private servers that everyone used to hate. The game became so "solo unfriendly" that if u don't have a guild/friends and you play some class that isn't "meta" you don't get into any content and you are forced to reroll something you don't like just for the sake of doing something.Oh and let's not forget about the toxicity of the players that consider themselves "too pro" for others , players that even while your leveling and you do a dungeon feel the need to either pull everyting , die and blame the healer or call the tank an idiot why doesn't he do mythic + like pulls and leave. Again, this version of Wow sucks big time for old players, but hey ! who cares about old players?! right? fuck 'em ! money rolls on the new incoming players.P.S. The upcoming expansion trailer is about 2 guys talking , one whining and the other comforting him.Wotlk, Wod, Bfa, Shadowlands and every other expansion had amazing trailers, trailers that represented the concept and feeling of what WOW is . If i wanna see drama , i'll go watch some lame ass soap opera with a way better story !

  7. This morning I decided to end my journey through Azeroth after 20 long years, mostly because my friends, sisters and brethren and allies are no more. DF brought joy for a while untill time wasn't on my side and I got left in the dirt after the first raid…

    Now you tell me that you don't get as locked down with time, that you don't need 12 hours a day to grind rep or gear through toxic people and what not via raid, m+ and pvp ?

    This morning, I was wrong.. Azeroth, I am comming home once again! A new journey begins, tonight!

  8. The only thing keeping me from really playing retail right now is the this gearing debacle. The system that they have of collect 4500 pieces of this thing so you can add this thing to get a piece of gear to get you to the next level of oh go grind more of these and use a bigger thingy so you can do it again. OMG this sucks. I love WoW and am playing classic until the new expansion launches just be able to start at one spot of gear. Thanks for the great content as always!


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