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The Isle of Dorn is a zone on the surface of Khaz Algar and was introduced in World of Warcraft: The War Within. The island is located west of Pandaria and southeast of Kalimdor. It is a lush and vibrant island, home to an ancient race of stone dwarves, the Earthen. Long dwelt they in harmony on this land and in its skies, mining the earth, and harnessing lightning to power their machines. These machines store the recorded memories of their race and allowed them to recharge, giving them life – until the machines were damaged during the Sundering. Now, unable to recharge, and with their racial record being overwritten, it is just a matter of time until they all enter stasis. Lately, scuffles with the local Nubians have put a halt to their mining operations in the Ringing Deeps, and their ruling council, the Council of Dornogal, has disbanded.
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For the music titles turn on the CC (captions/subtitles) from the YouTube bar.
Tranquil Strand: Neal Acree, Russell Brower
Boulder Springs: Adam Burgess
Earthen Countryside, Stonelight Rest, Proscenium: David Arkenstone
Isle of Dorn, Dorn Country, Glimmering Shore, Earthen Memorial: Jake Lefkowitz
Cinderwold: Leo Kaliski
Locations on this video:
0:00:00 Intro
0:00:50 Isle of Dorn
0:02:08 Three Shields
0:03:27 Thunderhead Peak
0:04:23 Isle of Dorn
0:05:27 Rambleshire
0:07:02 Dhar Kazhad
0:09:06 Skolzgal Mill
0:12:03 Durgaz Cabin
0:13:45 Cinderwold
0:17:36 Cinderbrew Meadery
0:19:47 Dhar Bandar
0:21:22 Mourning Rise
0:25:12 Fallside Outpost
0:27:10 Isle of Dorn
0:28:48 Boulder Springs
0:32:44 The Proscenium
0:37:33 Isle of Dorn
0:40:21 Freywold Village
0:43:05 Earthcrawl Mines (Delve)
0:45:26 Isle of Dorn
0:46:30 The Opalcreg
0:49:58 Dhar Oztan
0:53:24 Storm’s Watch
0:54:20 Alliance and Horde Landing
0:56:41 Tranquil Strand (Ruins of Dalaran)
As a Vanilla WoW player, I am capturing the old & new World of Warcraft atmosphere for eternity.
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#Meisio #WorldofWarcraft #TheWarWithin
Can’t wait for Hallowfall! Rest a bit till next patch Meisio 😅
Haven't been playing WoW in years, still coming here to listen to the new musics every now and then. Thanks for the quality of the editing Meisio!
Yeees, I have been waiting for these videos from you! 😀 I am sorry to hear about burnout, hopefully you can take some time off for yourself soon(TM)!
Thanks for the video Meisio!
Blizz art and music has always carried the load even when gameplay hasn't been the greatest, but Khaz Algar's art and music is top tier throughout and the game is pretty good too.
This one's quite reminiscent of Boralus and Tirisgarde Sound from BFA, and not in a bad way, there's also been parts that remind of WotLK Cata and Pandaria era music. Heck, some of these themes wouldn't sound out of place in an A-list movie, I thought parts were very reminiscent of the Shire from LotR. There's also one bit of the Isle of Dorn music that reminds me very strongly of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. And that's not a criticism, that's another great game that is elevated by its music. Hope Nintendo isn't paying too close attention 😀
Great vid Meisio, looking forward to the rest – but at your own pace!
thanks for this Meisio, i love coming back to your ambient videos for nostaglia and to think deep thoughts. even with being offline since Legion, the gilded Azeroth of the 2007-2008 calls me back to listen through your work.
4 years away from wow but I still chill out to the music and ambience all the time. Thank you!
this is amazing wow
I dont know what it is about the music in the new zones but for some reason it just makes me feel really sad? not sure why in all honesty but i've for the most part turned it way down now while i play
Aww yiss, have been waiting for your vids on the new epic music in war within
Thanks for the upload. But go at your own pace. I have no problem waiting longer, as it means to have your uplaods in the future
Keep it up!
Thank you so much for the wonderful video, fantastic work as usual! Can't wait for the others, but first get well soon <3
Wow… cinderwold is absolutely beautiful. I don't play anymore but holy smokes is that awesome!
I dont play wow anymore, dont like the game or music since WTLK. But this new expansion land and music is nice.
For me the music is a mixture of tolkien and anarchy online music.
Really enjoy the soundtrack.
Love yer stuff!
This music sounds like on hold music.
Starting the week with a new WoW ambience video, just perfect.
Thanks for your hard work again Meisio, it's truly appreciated! And I really hope you can get some rest as soon as possible 🙂
Thank you!!! You and Everness are the best
Thanks Meisio! Amazing video
Probably my favorite WoW OST in a real long time
looks similar to zones in dragon flight and BFA.
great video as always!
The tranquil strand music really got to me when I revisited the crash side in game 🙁
cinderwold and earthen memorail songs are so beautiful
They have jacuzzis?!?
Wonderful, as always. Thank you for taking the time to do this, Meisio. Your videos are a big part of my background music while working 🙂
I wish the they would have made 5 area like Dorn , instead of dumping us in a cave after it
The Opalcreg part is so serene. Don't usually hear such layered ambient music in WoW.
Description is missing the Cinderwold track, which is by Leo Kaliski.
Your videos are some of the only things keeping me sane during my work. Thank you!
Wonderful video, wonderful music, wonderful zone, wonderful expansion!
God damn those Cinderwold tracks got me tearing up for some reason
26:30 Wooow am I crazy or does it sound like Zelda's Lullaby ? ( )
All the Fallside Outpost theme have the same vibe 😮