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0:00 Context
0:49 Judgement Day Clip
2:51 Breakdown & Explanation
7:14 Kicked OUT of the Guild
16:24 Bonus Clips
20:44 Boomers on Reddit are outraged
27:57 The Bottom Line
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hes probably not very mentally healthy, but he is NOT hurting anyone by doing this
So I personally don't play WoW, probably never will. But I did play LoL in the past. I know the experience of some griefer throwing a game, and you losing the last game (about 40 min of your life + your last win LP-wise, so total about 80 mins loss in essence), and I have been tilted after. It isn't just the fact that your gaming experience/relaxation time of the day was ruined, but also your time investment is lost, which hurts. If someone griefed and made me lose 100+ hrs of my time, I would legit rage… or quit.
Saying it is just a game to minimalize and remove all value to your time and effort is not a reasonable stance here IMO. While, yes, this is a technically a true statement, it doesn't make this experience any less painful or make their frustration any less valid. Are there worse things, like losing a loved one or getting diagnosed with cancer? Yes, of course, without question. But, that is besides the point.
Gods work, most wow players deserve it 😂
Modern day Leroy Jenkins
LOL this guy is a troll for sure.
I really wish asmon went back to actually playing and making good wow content, this endless reaction / drama / news stuff is so boring. Like 90% of his videos now are him watching others play and giving weird ass takes, like here defending a griefer when we know 100% if it happened to asmon, he'd head slame against his table and whine about it asking for Blizzard to allow hardcore revives in toxic cases such as this
I agree… it is just a game. However/comma!!!!!!! There are real people spending thier real time on this hobby. Just is a bottom feeder. That's not toxicity, that's fact.
Leeeerrrooyyy Jenkins.
I'm surprised nobody is catching on to him saying that he is in "the wrong corner," as a callback to the naxx grief
Big L take from asmon on this one.
He got banned for buying accounts not getting his raid killed on purpose 😂
This is absolutely hilarious and anyone who gets mad over this is just a sad excuse. Games are supposed to be FUN, if you're getting mad over them that's your fault, no one else's. The fun is in the journey, not in any particular moment or accomplishment like this boss. If that guild is worth anything, they'll have a laugh and start leveling again, because they enjoy the game and each other. If this 'hurts' them, then they're the ones with a problem, not Leapyear. Brilliant on his part.
lol some ppl get so butthurt 🤣 like why do hc if you’re gonna be a 8 year old? That was hilarious hahahaha. All that saltiness 🤡🤡🤡🤣🤣
Asmon saying it’s only a game while how many times he has raged and lost his cool on people in wow.
The biggest wow streamer justifying, even borderline promoting the most malicious classic wow player. This is utterly disgusting. 🙂
This company* is a joke. And its a shame.
Lmfao this is amazing
Yeah guys that was intense
He is a griefer and deserves awful things to him and family, this is how works, Asmon dont be hypocrite
I don't agree with amons "it's just a video game" take because as he said, they invested 100s of hours in that which are real life hours.
So either they stop playing because of that or they have to sacrifice all this time again just to get to the same point.
I still think it's funny tho
There was something to do, keep away from the other players when you accidentally aggro…. The moment he saw the other players he should have walked the other way. They're damn idiots to raid with a guy who seems to have a habit of being at the wrong corner…
This guy is the risk in High Risk PvP mode.