It's Over! New Shadowlands PvP Gear System & Vendor Overview

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The final update to the new Shadowlands PvP Gear & Vendor System has finally happened. Because of all of the feedback, Blizzard has completely reworked the gearing system for PvP, and I believe it will have a significant impact on player participation in Battlegrounds, Rated Battlegrounds, and Arena. Players can expect to earn the best gear through rated PvP, and will have a much easier time when trying to gear up new alts and characters. Thank you all for your support over the past couple of months. It truly means the world to me. It is because of this amazing community that we were able to see such change this late into the Shadowlands Beta. Also, thank you Venruki and Asmongold for supporting my videos and spreading the word!

Live Stream (M-W-F 12pm PST):


0:00 Intro
0:53 Conquest Gear
2:06 Upgrading
3:11 Alt Gearing
4:55 Saving BGs
9:10 Weekly Vault
10:52 Rated BGs
13:09 How It Helps
14:31 Complaints
15:51 What To Expect


27 thoughts on “It's Over! New Shadowlands PvP Gear System & Vendor Overview”

  1. Thank you Stoopz (and everyone you also thanked in your video). You are the voice of many and really amazing and passionate people and nothing would have happened without you.

    That's a beautiful win ! And thanks blizz for finally taking into account pvper's revendications <3

  2. As a player since 2004 I just wasn’t interested in Shadowlands after the way PvP gearing was announced. I had zero interest in the expansion. This however, is fucking amazing. I’ll buy and play Shadowlands now just for these changes and the fact they listened to people. Thank god – had no idea what I was going to do during Winter lockdown.

  3. I cant express how happy i am about this change, this has got to be hands down the best change for pvp in a long long time. I'm missing launch and wont be able to play until mid decemeber but now i can catch up pretty quick and not be behind all the time. Thank you for your time and effort in bringing about this change Stoopz, you are a credit to the community!!!

  4. Thanks to everyone who posted on the forums in a constructive way. Looks like we might be able to PvP to be viable in PvP again. Best thing I heard regarding WoW news in a long long time.


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