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It’s time to make the final decision – what class to main in Shadowlands? Here’s how to choose, and my personal choice.
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0:00 Intro
0:50 Things To Keep In Mind
4:24 How To Choose
5:40 Melee Breakdown
11:50 Ranged Breakdown
17:25 Healer Breakdown
20:08 Tank Breakdown
24:04 What I Chose And Why
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I've recently grown….disenchanted with my warrior main and have been looking for a new class to take up for the expansion. I love the momentum based gameplay of the warrior and I'm having a hard time finding another class like it. What do y'all recommend to try?
i used to think i always wanted to have the most options, most difficult, highest skill cap class. now i realize i want to be able to eat, drink, and smoke while im playing.
You said Feral is all about snap shotting. Didn't they get rid of snap shotting in cata?
When I saw the list requirements, my mind immedietly went to what Preach said as well, which leaves only 1 class/ spec. BM hunter WHy? Cause it's the only spec capable of doing every mechanic and still having closest to 100% dps uptime
Hey man I went with pally because I like healing tanking and melee dps. I really like the holy power mechanic .
My main Fury. I will always recommend them ever sense Cata. I’ve never changed and never will. Fury is incredibly fun if you love fast pace play style. Fury all the way ✊🏼
1:28 ,
lmao take notes kids. play what you enjoy, play what makes you happy. chasing meta/fotm, just going to be changing mains every patch. these rankings tend to be skewed by many factors and BFA might've started out like this but by the end of 8.3, this entire list was flipped on its head.
Take a shot every time bellular says "vibe"
TLDR : Bellular won't play a druid ever.
Rogues will be heavily nerfed unfortunately :(.
I think I'm gonna main my Ztroll enhancement Shaman…
When this game has OP Classes for "main" then its not worth to spent any life time for this shit … . Sorry for that, WOW-Fans but this is true.
Perfect ending. Cheers from a soul who didnt know what to choose.
"If you want a battle rez…" just be a engineer. OP OP! xD
I'm playing BM as well, changing from SP I played since Legion.
My excitement for this expansion is pretty low but that might be my age finally showing, have played since vanilla but have actually been playing computer games since the early 80's, so that probably gives a hint to my age group 😄
I always go back to Druid one way or another. The aesthetics, mobility, and accessibility to tanking, healing, and range/melee DPS please me.
Bell choosing mage as a back up because he just wants to give out food while sometimes forgetting he has timewarp and not summon the whole raid, give out healthstones and plant gateways.
With the changes to prot, I'm back on paladin personally. Their versatility and practical unkillability in solo content just makes you feel SUPER confident going into pretty much any encounter. I've thoroughly enjoyed leveling one in pre patch. So I'll main a prot pally and alt a shadow priest because it looks fun now and I'm really keen to try the disc priest play style.
Got that game connoisseur verbiage on full display: "A bold, punchy character with notes of maneuverability and a satisfying AOE finish…"
Still can't choose my main. Its between MM hunter which I love, druid tank, holy paladin, or some kind of caster. Ffs, why?!?!
Im coming back to SL, mainly for PvP. Anyone played rBG and Arena and can tell me what it will be like? Is DH Tank still the best for rBG? What is the best healer for rBG? Appreciate it!
I recommend main'ing Ninja during Shadowlands, it has nuance and is often a welcome addition to a party. Black Mage is also playing well.
"Guardian's fine." Bear tank is bae, whatchu mean "fine"? 😛
I find it just disrespectful the way they have neglected Feral Druids in BFA's PVE content. I mean literally in BoD they're not even on the charts. Now they're going to do the same thing in Shadowlands. RIP Feral Druids you'll never be competitive in PVE content ever again.
"listen, just play what you want." also bellular "I plan to play two characters juist in case I cannot play what I want."
I kind of found the fact that you just discarded SV like that a bit disappointing..if not offensive. 😛 it can be a lot of fun. I personally main it and i really like it much more than the other 2 hunter specs, but it being abandoned by blizzard and not having received any changes, is not really a reason NOT to play it. and since you are going to main BM, i dont see why would u go to other lengths as to level up/gear up another character in order to have a melee dps, rather than swapping from BM to SV. However i have to admit, since i always respect your opinion, that i prefer the fact that you just didnt say much about survival, rather than you saying something negative like you did with other specs. Good luck with pre patch and expansion launch mate
At this point I'm just going to play the things ur excited for 😂
I love your videos. As someone who plays fairly casually I appreciate you mentioning this guide being targeted towards Average – Average+ players. I feel like that describes myself perfectly. I have been trying to keep up with your content more consistently as of late. I appreciate the guides and am super excited for Shadowlands! (Currently maining Fury Warrior and also have Dest Warlock alt)
I like whack-a-mole dps specs. Like frost mage. Procs are fun for me. Anyone know what specs are like that, I would love a comment.
Arms warriors on suicide watch
Are Preach and you deciding main BM together almost saying the exact same thing lol
Cries in frost dk
Will be sticking with Survival hunter..have played it for 2 years and it's really fun, hope it continues in SL. If not, will try out MM .
why choose? have multiple mains–i have 50 😀
My main is going to be what I have fun playing.
Main – Fury Warrior, been that way since Cata. backup is Blood DK and Vengence DH, if i have to heal be Holy Pally, range dps is Demo Lock
Im picking shadow priest only because they get devouring plague back. Even if their damage is nerfed I'll still have fun cause of the spells they have. Unlike demo locks where blizzard kinda just scrapped the whole demon idea and just said "F IT" and made them a caster again.