ITS TIME TO BECOME AN ELEMENTAL ASSASSIN! | Classless World of Warcraft | Project Ascension

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Mcdoubles back again with a brand new video today featuring a look at the ELEMENTAL ASSASSIN build on Project Ascension which combines Rogue abilities like Backstab with Elemental Shaman shocks like Frost, Flame, and Earth Shock!

In this video we embark on a journey from 1-60 on a fresh character playing the Elemental Assassin build, get into some fun PvP, and then mellow out towards the end with a bit of a sad revelation about the build itself.

Server: Al’ar

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45 thoughts on “ITS TIME TO BECOME AN ELEMENTAL ASSASSIN! | Classless World of Warcraft | Project Ascension”

  1. I actually really enjoyed doing this build, though I built mine a bit differently. It looks like you prioritized melee AP, I prioritized SP and was hitting really freaking hard on the shocks. The backstab is nice for when you get into melee range, but overall in PVP, I was usually chasing people, so being able to slow them down and dot them until I could get into melee range was really, really nice. Probably one of my more successful PVP builds…

  2. Personaly i have played this build pve on malganis and i msut say …. You are playing it wrong xD maybe. Well since your largest dmg spell in this is iceshock you just have to put a lot into it and i think even in pvp adding deep freeze, frostbrand weapons, frostbold, and frost power might talent makes this build a lot more better.

  3. Mcdoubles please do an updated video on your UI and how to set it up, i know a few friends of mine that want it too including me, its so nice to look at and easy to follow!

  4. Do you change a bit the song you use in your montage ? I can't find the exact OSRSBeatz remix used at 14:30 (i've never played the Runescape of my life, and tbh I may be too blind to find the right remix on his channel)

  5. Hey hey! I've been watching your videos for a long time and I want to say that I really like your content! I started playing Ascension with my friends myself quite recently because of your videos, because it's so much more fun!
    And I was also so surprised to get on this video 😂 18:58 tauren Ontacow it's me! hahaha 😀
    It's very funny to see yourself on TV!

  6. 22:24 the spells without an RE don't do sit in pvp right now, at least as a hybrid. I swear my Sloane shot was 50 from rank 1 to max rank. Also, I haven't seen my work damage Dyson on my abilities either :/

  7. Not even optimized gear can salvage this RE for pvp. I leveled that build the other day with full on decked out PvP gear and enchants, with stat potions, healing pots and double crusader. And I gotta say that I came to the same conclusion. Everything other than this RE was good until it wasn't (backstab scaling falls off), it just doesn't really scale at all in pvp like you mentioned. I scrapped the build because at the end of the day it was just a backstab build with things to buff the whole elemental assassin stuff that clearly was not worth buffing, if the base damage is bad a 100% dmg increase will also not save the build, and that's what talents would do. I did draft into stormstrike and stuff, but again it didn't really do anything at all for the build.

    At the end of the day it might be okay for pve, but probably best to avoid for pvp.

  8. Ive fallen down the rabbit hole of all your videos dude.. Its a catch 22 because I just started playing, and have 0 enchants but want to play all of your builds! lol Love the content <3

  9. do the side step dance so you can still bstab! stand inside the npc then strafe left and right and spam bstab, they will get off. it takes some practice and can be rough with even mediocre ping. EDIT, I spoke to soon good sir :]


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