Jaina Proudmoore and Khadgar Dialogue | Shadowlands 9.2.5

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Jaina Proudmoore and Khadgar Dialogue
Shadowlands 9.2.5


48 thoughts on “Jaina Proudmoore and Khadgar Dialogue | Shadowlands 9.2.5”

  1. 1:09 "Forgive the musing's of an old man." Isn't that line from Jolee Bindo in KoToR? When you meet him in the Shadowlands of Kashyyk he says that if my memory serves me correctly. This is kind of plagaristic. I mean I know that the story in WoW is bad, but plagarism. Sheesh.

  2. I feel like what this dialogue means to convey is that Khadgar is getting shelved again. They're doing this little thing here to tie up the "loose end" of the raven flying around. Now no one can ask "Where is Khadgar? You hinted at him coming back." No, he's dying, so he's hanging out in the afterlife for a bit before expiring.
    RIP Dadgar.

  3. I thought this dialogue was well written and the voice actors did a good job. While i agree with the general notion that its weird to have the shadowlands opened up to mortals, lets not forget who Khadgar is…

  4. Why is Khadgar talking as if he's been alive for so many years? Dude is like 50 years old and the only reason he looks old is because he was cursed… So why is he talking as if he's actually lived as long as he looks, saying sh*t like "I feel the weight of years upon me".
    I swear the writers at Blizzard have no clue what happened in the lore previously.

  5. I hate seeing dialogue like this and the others. It's because when wows story is focused on its characters and their relationships the feeling of what we fell in love with us there, not empty calorie last minute villains like tHe jAiLoR.

    Likewise, when wows gameplay focuses on agency and freedom of choice, it is damn fun to play. Instead of being hard locked into SyStEmS and cHoReS.

    Metzen for the love of God come back!

  6. I hope this is not foreshadowing of: Lets remove Khadgar aswell and make jaina the next guardian, then we will see sylvanas and jaina and magni to be main characters of 10.0.

    Pls Blizz, just dont.

  7. Argh! So why is he even here? Where the hell was he when nzoth was unleashed? Or when the veil was broken at the start of the expansion?
    So now after we do all the dirty work, he decides to take a tour of the shadowlands?
    And medivh? Did he know about the incoming threat of the jailer, or will he be the one to reveal the new baddie that is coming to destroy the cosmos which the janitor was trying to unite by diving every with the dreadlords?


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