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Jelly starts his leveling journey a bit late due to finals and gets caught up in PVP right away!
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outro song:
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#shadowlands #jellybeans #wowpvp
All of Jelly's videos make me wanna roll a hunter holy shit he makes it look easy. Hope to see him playing some tourney games this xpac. Maybe a lil bit of thug cleave if sp gets nerfed hard? Anyways keep streaming this is cool enough.
All we want is more survival vids.
hahahaha jelly really u gime a rolf u are my favorite idol xD
this guy is cold man
Hey Jelly, which situations u need to use your pet?
holy fuck , the amount of owneage in this video… loled so hard
Awesome – Nice work Jelly!
which toy made you air jump :O ?
Jesus you are a freaking beast man!
One word ,,masterpice,,🔥👍
I'm a Hunter and I hope this los cheat skill gets removed asap. Most stupid thing added to this game I've ever seen.
holy shit. this is what it's all about. you make hunter look like the most fun class in the game.
Is Venthyr Survival decent for pvp or would NF/Kyrian still be better?
Looks effortless man, you're on another level…
Nice shit
Put your macros here, please, it can help a lot
Dude that was so entertaining especially when you fiveheaad yeeted that guy off the cliff hahahaha
How the hell does his feign death drops combat so fast in pvp, im always stuck in combat for like at least 5 seconds after FD in PVP
Who's the 3rd person in the outro pic? Pikaboo, Jelly, and ? I'm assuming that's the move?
damn dude so what covenant do u rec? kyrian?
I can’t believe what I just watched LOL. You’re next fucking level on hunter man it’s a joy to witness!! 😍😍
Still going Venthyr?
If you can make a video chatting quickly abt what to do vs each class tht would be great, ty for your content its great
Should I main hunter or mage D:
which 2 pvp trinkets are the best choise for human?
yeeting that dwarf off the cliff was so disrespectful 😂
Having Mythic BFA gear vs greens haha, but still love the skill Jelly :). Use of Camo in world pvp is godly 😀