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This guy could've had a IRL WoW girlfriend but fumbled, has Nick found his match?
… Sorry Julia, you deserve better. You are a catch, even though alot of guys aren't into the Tomboy personality.
Also, How old is Julia?? her Bf at the time was playing Brawlhalla? Dead by Daylight? these are games about 5 years ago atleat. Not sure exactly when but they sound like teenagers.
Not trying to depreciate her value as woman, I'm more into people around my age. Cause if Julia is young as I suspect… she got a crazy growth spurt while Mizkif is over 30.
I went from listening to middle aged women talking about their divorce in wow back when I was in middle school to listening to someone tell a story about their wow addiction and her BF's infidelity now that I'm an old dude.
Life truly is a circle.
More on topic though, I can understand the frustration of being in a relationship but your SO not putting in the time for you… but to demand attention only to then go do your own thing when the other person gives you their time is just "the audacity on this…" kinda deal. That's just baffling to me, very childish behavior if you ask me.,
im playing world of warcraft and this is on my second monitor its so entertaining
but if his name ain't on the lease, technically not living together, lol
MoP had dope raids, and the arena was arguably the best it ever was. Class design was cool. People complained about pandas, yet played cows and worgens? Smh people are weird, Pandas never bothered me, because I was a DotA nerd. I liked the world, I liked the story. Dailies sucked, but it was a fun time.
They got rid of the talent trees in MoP, it sucked ass. Also played lock, demo.
I never understood why ppl hate on MoP? If u don’t like pandas don’t play one :/
The actual NPCs in the game are amazing like Taran Zhu or lorewalker cho or the beer guy I mean it’s hilarious.
The Klaxxi was a great addition aswell imo, the story in MoP is one of the best ever I’d say.
I can’t see ppl thinking it was bad if they never tried it cause it prob looks worse then it feels, but trust me try it and u will understand why ppl love the expansion. (Even Asmongold admitted it’s prob the best expansion)
i dont even need to here the rest of this vid to know this mans was projecting cause he was cheating on you he didnt like you talking to other guys cause he thought you would cheat to
loser mentality
high expectations
ur a rad chick, any man would be lucky to be in ur presence
ah console gamer. explains it
Julia’s abit of a moaner
MOP did suck and WAS ridiculous… that shit was the gremlins 2 of games …
Hi Julia,
This is the first video I’ve come across on your channel, and I have to say, it’s been quite an introduction! Somehow, yt recommended it to me after I finished watching Soda’s VOD about reviving OnlyFangs .What a journey, haha.
Hearing your story feels surreal; it’s truly extraordinary, as so many others have already pointed out. You genuinely remind me of my mom someone incredibly strong, resilient, and unwavering in navigating life challenges. I never thought I’d encounter another woman with a presence like hers, and seeing that in you is inspiring.
You’ve absolutely earned a new subscriber. Keep doing what you’re doiing! 👍
"He played Brawlhalla" that's all I need to know.
Good lort you are so attractive 😍
Here's hoping she plays some WoW or some other MMO with Esfand sometime in the future.
men be sure to let her know your gonna be hooking up with other women before you commit then you wont have this problem
Always thought Julia was an attractive woman but after this… 😍😍🤩🤩🥰
I would never cheat on Julia
Well it sounded like she was too busy for him 🤣
If the ex was smart, he'd have figured out a way to game with you.
"My bf at the time was very upset that I wouldn't get off the game" "He also hated the fact that I was in a guild that I would wear my headset with, isn't this so fucking stupid, like what a fucking loser, how are you gonna get mad your gf for playing a video game"
Huh…. So like 95% of women? 😂 I can't get on a game for more than 15minutes before I have to do something, games that don't have a pause button are literally unplayable for me.
Hearing that julia played wow just made her even cooler.
I’m not surprised it all makes sense to me now😱 when she said in Nmplol kitchen saying “It’s always Mens fault for why relationships break up” which was very sexist of her to say but in reality she was speaking out of petty grudge from her previous relationship & her hate towards men but wish she can know that not All men are the same. Just like not all women are cheaters like my Exes
Damn, I want a cool parrot like that too
if a guy is getting upset with you for playing games YOU ARE PLAYING THEM WAY TO FUCKING MUCH especially if he also plays games hell you even said your self you were playing to much that you skipped class work and even playing during class/ ruining your life .I just love the misandry of started to bash this dude for being right .
Ive dated girls like this they are never worth it and is just one giant red flag ,they never have your back and always side with their "friends" end yes all those guys in the game are trying to fuck her. those "friends" will be different every few months and they will talk shit about all them before and after that so you know they talk shit about you as well even though they are the one in the wrong 99% of the time surrounding her self with yes men simp beta cucks.
Julia Polom trauma dumping 😀 <- its aaaaa JOKE!!!!!!!! relax