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Today I had the chance to have a first look inside the new Karazhan Crypts dungeon in Season of Discovery.
Featuring a unique Darkness mechanic, this 5 player dungeon sets out to explore this mysterious location as playable content for the first time in World of Warcraft.
I also go over all recent Season of Discovery news and break down why now is such a good time to get back into this version of the game.
This is my Karazhan Crypts FIRST LOOK! | Season of Discovery Phase 7 | World of Warcraft
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Remind yourself that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer
SoD is my favorite flavor of WoW of all time, but I convinced the four family / friends that I game with, to switch to Classic Fresh and away from SoD for one reason. We don't know what's happening with SoD. I don't want to invest in characters that are going away.
looks like retail, so many out of place textures ew
Darkest Dungeon inspiration?
you know what would be cool if they did SoD for TBC
Is it hard to level in SOD ,would they delete the server once SOD is done nd we loose everything?
5 man dungeon
sigh…. looks like I have to resub.
So they started stealing ideas from Turtle wow, ha!
I wish it wasn't too late for me to get into SoD. It seems like it came up with a lot of cool things
Bro how TF Do i move from my dead realm Crusader strike EU. Theres 3 items on the entire AH and i cannot figure out how to migrate my character 🫠🫠🫠
Really hope there's some relevance or callback lore to the bosses down in the crypts.
If it's just some new named undead with no story it'd be lame as hell.
Wheres the "Blizzard can't develop new content for classic because we dont pay them enough" gang at?
Welp guess Im gonna need to try sod once my pvp grind for the wk is done on classic. The kara crypts have interested me for years. I hope they kept the area where you could hear the loud heartbeat.
Dammit, I need to finally cave and play SoD now
all this wait for a 5man dungeon? thats crazy bro, wtf are they doing
5man dungeon is crazy tho, it shouldve been a new HUGE raid like naxxramas with completly new tier sets and stuff, but blizz is like, nah too much work, here a 5man dungeon lol
I love Karazhan, the original and the return in Legion are some of my favourite content. Might have to come back to SoD to run this.
Addons should be banned perma in all WoW versions, why ?
Because for example, no minimap mechanic will be circumvent by some addon 100% and will be required for invite.
Talk about reusing old assets. They're literally reusing an April Fool's joke. It's like Pandaren all over again.
No pvp updates from ranking/honor or STV blood moon. Unplayable for a pvp player. At rank 14 and full Bloodmoon gear I feel like having only greens in pvp. Was waiting for ph 7 to see some love for pvp, none… Not to mention the huge imbalance in pvp for several classes and specs.
Finally they make use of it more. I think the first time they used any part of it was around legion.
They only used the first room and blocked the hole and placed a troll wall.
(Also, really Blizz? Again with using lord marrowgar?)
Aight some bad
Dungeon needs to be bigger in general, excellent dungeon but the torch mechanic is super finnicky and is at most 15 yard range and if your a healer your mates are gonna be out of LoS bc they are in the dark for most of the run.
Also this sucks for ranged too as their ability to anticipate or position for incoming mobs is too limited to be effective.
Make the dungeon bigger and ranged have some utility and make the torch's range like 30 yards. I want to be surpised by mobs but even as a melee I was losing sight of the mobs i was hitting as I was chasing them.
Also some of the chests my group managed to unlock had 7 silver and a superior mana potion in them. These chests required skill and discovery to find the fact that they had trivial loot and did not give the group anything in loot or progression for the dungeon is laughably deflating.
Aside from that excellent dungeon, the darkness feature and hide and riddle style adds to danger and mystery that no other dungeon has in WoW. A great upgrade.
Why would they even make sod if people wanted classic + ? fucking blizzard is dumb, fuck them forever. Had to wait 80 years for just classic wow
and bots?
Why do you talk about a 24 hour lock out like it’s something new….so annoying
5 player dungeon…? 😅 so underwhelming
Hahaha no map to keep it mysterious! More like they couldn’t figure out how to give the dungeon a mini map because there are no pre existing files to copy paste
Hopefully Blizz will learn from Classic generally and SoM + SoD specifically, while always keeping in mind HC/permadeath option, and finally stop the Cata to retail slippery slope to fully invest into a Classic+/Vanilla 2.0+ like OSRS
i logged on to my Sod server a week or two ago and the only other characters online were 25 hunters all level 60 all with random letter names………
Stealing ideas from Turtle WoW now 😂
lol turtle wow should sue bietch ash blizzard for copying their content that they neglected for yeeeeears and only included now cause of their greed, SOD is rly nothing more than blizzards greed in pure form, ascension wow should sue them too lol 😀 i rly hope in some universe it would be possible, after what they did to nostalrius for sure
I'm only I have friends and time I'd surely go back to SoD. Seems really fun!
The rune hunting is what made me fall off…I might have to hop back in and try it out.
After fully completing Kara I can confidently say this was the coolest dungeon I’ve played in a long time. This is what the torch delves in retail wish they were.
What a joke, Blizzard have well and truely ran out of ideas.
There are literally hundreds of locations you could choose to expand and do something original with in classic and your first choice is to go with an area popularized by content in… *The Burning Crusade* that isn't even fking playable.
Where is TBC, Blizzard?
Oh, a new batch of 🐢 WoW slop rip-offs is coming, eh? Nice, nice…
I remember I had an arguement with someone that said most players are adults in classic wow. Hahahaha… Adults don't behave like this, cancerous community. After what happened to pirate(even if he was wrong) is just pathetic and embarrasing
I gave up WoW twice after playing 4 years on original release and then going back for classic re-release… now i'm late 30's and need to make my business successful and get rich… Once that's achieved i'll start playing SoD if it's still around and raid 4x a week again…
WAY too much anxiety playing computer games at this stage in life again so i'll just watch youtube videos on it instead 🙃
"The brand new dungeon mechanic." You mean that torch one that is a re-wrap of the gas/torch mechanic found in several delves? That brand new one?
My pc shit the bed, anyone got a cheap laptop I can buy?!?!? ….i need this!!