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No healing pots were used. Just Ignore pain and healing from second wind. I didn’t plan to fight him so i used what i had. Second wind was best talent choice to deal with the damage.
Tip: In Darkness phase try to chill around mid to have reaction time on charge, soulshape or leap. Also try to save Bladestorm as a last resource of immuning away a knockback.
What i used:
Weakaura: (took it after a few wipes cause i didn’t saw the explosions in Darkness)
– Second wind
– Double time
– Night Fae
– Signet ( just in case of “oh shit” for another bladestorm rng)
Hey i am interested in the transmogg you are using in this video. Could you give me some information about that?
What’s your ilvl in this video?
crazy idk how to do with pally
Dude I did it! lvl 60 in the DF pre patch blue gear (all 252 and wep 278) No SL legos, tier sets or powers. Thanks, the video and description helped a ton~