Reading eldar novels is one half a fantasy elf novel and one half a naughty bsdm book without explicitly saying it out loud. they are a different definition of crazy and even managed to scare the crap out of a Night Lord, let that sink in.
Drukhari Incubi are strangely honorable for Dark Eldar. They have their own moral code and are indeed extremely loyal to their leaders, as they find the bitter infighting of their race to be pointless. So when one has to betray their master, you know shit’s hit the fan.
Normally I'd feel bad. Then I remember these are the guys responsible for corrupting slaanesh's developing avatar and making them a sadistic psychopath who killed 90% of the eldar and made the other corrupted chaos spectrum abstractions go ahead and screw with physical reality proper and suddenly I don't feel bad.
The sad part is that Incubi are the only Dark Eldar for which it is considered dishonorable to kill a superior. So Morr saved the Dark Eldar from a daemon impersonating an Archon, but at the same time he turned himself into a hunted, dishonored renegade exiled from Commorragh. He eventually died helping the Harlequin to undo another plot of Chaos.
I feel a small amount of pity for the daemon in the Archon, because you know they're gonna gloat about it, only for Slaanesh to show up and pimp slap them into Khornes backyard for stealing their toy-meat
Super entertaining books and a nice change from the Imperium if you haven't read them. Mor and Motley are a great duo gave me Dinobot and Ratrap vibes if you know Beastwars.
1st to comment.
Reading eldar novels is one half a fantasy elf novel and one half a naughty bsdm book without explicitly saying it out loud. they are a different definition of crazy and even managed to scare the crap out of a Night Lord, let that sink in.
You know what's worse than Dark Eldars?
Drukhari Incubi are strangely honorable for Dark Eldar. They have their own moral code and are indeed extremely loyal to their leaders, as they find the bitter infighting of their race to be pointless. So when one has to betray their master, you know shit’s hit the fan.
Normally I'd feel bad. Then I remember these are the guys responsible for corrupting slaanesh's developing avatar and making them a sadistic psychopath who killed 90% of the eldar and made the other corrupted chaos spectrum abstractions go ahead and screw with physical reality proper and suddenly I don't feel bad.
An incubus of all people.. mercy killing an archon of all people😮😮
How tf you an Aeldari (even a Drukhari) and let yourself get corrupted by a daemon????
Me, a Salamander player: yes, kill them all.
Whats this soundtrack? It sounds sick af
You know if hes not bullshiting and actually telling the truth, for a drukhari, hes actually pretty chill…. Though that's not exactly saying much tbh
Dark Eldar are the most contradictory and self-destructive race, to the point of being plain stupid some times.
Sorry my Archon, you got skill issue.
This voice acting is kind of grating and detracts from the intention
The sad part is that Incubi are the only Dark Eldar for which it is considered dishonorable to kill a superior. So Morr saved the Dark Eldar from a daemon impersonating an Archon, but at the same time he turned himself into a hunted, dishonored renegade exiled from Commorragh. He eventually died helping the Harlequin to undo another plot of Chaos.
How the fuck do dark eldar ever produce children?
With a villain voice like that, you should audition for a role in the "Chaotic Good Barbarian" YouTube animations
I don’t get it
I love how all dark elves on your channel get evil clown voice. 🙂
I feel a small amount of pity for the daemon in the Archon, because you know they're gonna gloat about it, only for Slaanesh to show up and pimp slap them into Khornes backyard for stealing their toy-meat
Pls do more Shorts on Morr ! That guy is an absolute menace
Motley and Morr best bromance.
What the hell is this? an honorable drukhari? is this freaky flip sunday or something?
Why do you make the dark elder sound goofy as heck. Can't take this voice over seriously sounds like a clown show😂😂😂😂
This guy in yellow has the most satisfying voice I've come to hear he could explain anything and I'd be invested as heck ❤❤❤😂😂
Bow castrated dark eldar voices😮💨
They remind me of gefling
Super entertaining books and a nice change from the Imperium if you haven't read them. Mor and Motley are a great duo gave me Dinobot and Ratrap vibes if you know Beastwars.
It is not expected by an incubus if they do it's considered a serious crime