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Outlaw Rogue 9.0 PvE Shadowlands Guide:
Outlaw Rogue 9.0 PvP Shadowlands Guide:
Assassination Rogue 9.0.5 PvE Shadowlands Guide:
Sub Rogue 9.0 PvE Shadowlands Guide:
your videos are keeping this game alive for me.
props to that druid, played it a bit too agressive though.
Feral druids are for trash no skill players imho. Bleed and run no skill needed. If you're new to wow that's the class to go for.
Даларан, ты что земляк?) Фига себе, я и не знал. Наверное очень давно перееехал, я все удивлялся откуда ты знаешь некоторые слова, думал ты просто любопытный. Акцента нет вообще)
After all, I don't get bored when the cvark comes out
То что здесь показал аркан маг это вообще первое о чем я думал когда думал о магах в ШЛ. О комбинации леги на обстрел, когда ее апнули, и сочетании ковенантской абилки мага. А спам мгновенок в комбусте меня никогда не привлекал и всегда казалось неправильным геймдизайном если честно
I would love to see some Classic arenas ngl
Arcane was a hero. 👌🏾👏🏾
Seems like halfway through the video, the volume cut down by half.
Shamans are trash
Feral, lock and pally just make these kinda not interesting to watch sometimes
I think they should give back to enh shamans the ability they had tl regenerate mana with off hand strikes
you should ban enh shams from your 1v1's literally takes up half the video bc they are basically healers its boring af
did they massively nerf damage in pvp … i have never seen a shaman not instantly kill me with ascendance and chain harvest
Who thought it was a good idea to give 8 different CCs to Warlocks.
Are spriest not doing good in duels?
Planning on doing any TBC arena's?
I would love pvp so much if it wasn't tied to gear…
I like how kristina plays but looks like you need new names in the mix, is good to see cyvark back.
You forgot to mention 1v1 5v5 duels in the title 🙂
Comunist language 🤣😂🤣😁😂почему 🤣😂😂
Feral is so lame to watch.