Kyrian Sub Rogue burst guide – Shadowlands PvP

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(Down until i’m high rated in Shadowlands!)

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33 thoughts on “Kyrian Sub Rogue burst guide – Shadowlands PvP”

  1. Great video , I really want to play rogue but i can’t find enough keybinds to bind all because I don’t know if I should only use my mouse to move ore also my keyboard , could you help me out a bit 🙏

  2. great video, can you please do a guide on sub rogue pve rotations? without raid trinkets, we can not pvp to the best of our abilities, so we must learn the pve rotations as well. Thanks

  3. Got one shot by a kyrian sub rogue who crit me for 10k echoing reprimand 😂. Immediately started looking to switch so glad I saw this. How annoying is it to switch covenants with all the progression stuff?

  4. Super helpful. Best video I have seen that actually has been enlightening. Thank you for sharing this. You're helping an old dog get back into the game! Do you stream your gameplay somewhere?

  5. Thanks for this man, I've come back to the game after a long break and back to rogue for the first time since BC. I was focusing way too much on shadowstrike. In terms of stats what's the best? I read elsewhere it was vers, is mastery better? Keep it up!


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