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Talents – 0:43
Stat Priority – 3:04
Legendaries – 3:29
Poisons – 4:15
General Rotation/Playstyle – 4:50
Cooldown Management – 6:06
Opener+Rotation breakdown/explanation – 9:50
Opener+Rotation in real time – 12:28
Opener+Rotation in slow motion – 13:15
Hello friends. As of Shadowlands release I have dumped countless hours into perfecting my sub rogue so I can help you all out! I hope you can grab tons of takeaways from the video and pop off. All feedback is so appreciated. Thank you so much for watching.
(Down until i’m high rated in Shadowlands!)
Twitch Stream
The comment section has informed I was wrong! Poisons should be MH – Instant, and OH – Mind-numbing! Mind-numbing allows for you to shiv off enrages and slow mob attack time!
Is it just me or there is a huge energy overcap when he poped runes?
Can i ask what Transmog the daggers are?
M+ live commentary when?
Mind Numbing poision would be nice for mythic+
Awesome Vid dude! I was searching for a simple and straight to the point vid on sub rogue rotation for a while. Here you are delivering exactly what I wanted! Thank you very much, liked and subbed!
I had one question tho: When would be the best time to include a Cheap shot or/and a Kidney shot in the rotation? It seems like a waste of a talent point if you dont use them. (OFC if you can use it on a mob, not gonna spamm it on a boss and waste them combo points :D)
Also I request a M+ run to see you in action. Maybe you did post one already, first vid I am watching, but defo not the last one! glhf.
big fan :DD
Ur a legend man, love the vid
How are you using rupture?
3erd time i search for somthing about rogue and i find you on top and most usfull short guide thx alot man
HI great Video Thanks, i have a question, i wait with the sec. Symbole of Death for Echoing Reprimand coming up again?
Can you tell me why you have a one hand wepon in your oof hand?
How much of your DPS is auto attacks? Would determine if Slice is worth
Never played Sub Rogue before, loving the videos and the break downs of maximizing DPS and rotations. Man been so long since I even messed with Addons in WoW I'm having trouble with that. Does anyone have pre-configured profiles for some of these. My addons are just spamming useless crap and I can't disable it.
These guides are fantastic, you are a really approachable guy and down to earth. Thank you for all the effort you put into these video's. You have helped me go from Noob rogue to not so noob. Thanks man <3
please run some mythic +
So its not even important to pop up the echo CP ? This is probably the reason why i fuck up my whole rotation xD
Hey man, I was raiding last night and keeping rupture up on 2 targets, nearly the entire way through a 10 min long fight, it only did 5% of my damage… is there any point in even using it?
My question is with the master assassin legendary how would the opener change or if it would stay the same.
if you activate your covenant skill you can use Eviscrate early with 2 or 3 combo points or am i wrong
Echoing Reprimand confuses me. Does it work even if you build combo points beyond the charged point, or only if you consume exactly that amount? And if the latter, how come you never consumed it in your rotation? If the former, which ability is better to use charged and what's the best way to make sure you get to exactly that point?
A solid video from a solid guy
Thanks for the vid, was helpful
"You can't tune a fish…" Instant like and subscribe!! ROFL
no shiv ?
Is putting symbols on a macro a good idea? So that It activates every time i use Shadow dance.
Just to save a keybind
Thank you so much. The skills break down and explanation starting at 5:10 is so incredibly helpful. So many tutorials/guides just tell you what to do but you don't learn the mechanics or purpose behind it. Respeccing tonight to sub, and I am really appreciating the info!
what add on are you using to show combat moves?
Can you change to Kyrian if you already selected another one?
From the animations in game it appears that if you are spamming shadow strike at the start of a fight, you aren’t really auto attacking. So if auto attacks are only happening when you get into backstab mode, would it not be better to put up rupture before SnD?
One other pve tip – buy your thistle tea. It’s like having an extra on use trinket almost.
Very helpful guide thank you for this
Nice video, btw whats the illusion u r using on your weapons? Looks cool af
As a person who hasn't played the game in 5 years, this was probably the most informative video I've seen in a while. A lot of the videos don't give you background of what things do/mean, and this broke it down pretty easily. If you can comment on how you set up your binds and how you go into the rotations mechanically, that would be helpful as well. Thanks!
Very good vid man. Is Assassination really that bad. All ppl are using sub but I really cant make it Work after playing Assassination for a couple og years.
awesome info dude. but what about conduits ?..
earned the sub tysm now i am not a noob
ez bro really ez
ty for explain will start soon shadowlands
Transmog guide please. That looks sick
love ur help . thanks
Do you have an aura for the sub rogue.? I’m loving this play style it is a little challenging at first that’s for sure