LAST CHANCE Before Shadowlands, How Did The Arbiter BREAK?

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For my final speculation theory before World of Warcraft Shadowlands Release I am taking another look at the WoW Shadowlands Arbiter and asking the question, when did the Arbiter of the Shadowlands break? WoW Slands launches tonight so lets go…

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23 thoughts on “LAST CHANCE Before Shadowlands, How Did The Arbiter BREAK?”

  1. Ive been seeing videos that suggest the jailer and the arbiter are the same person? But with spilt soul , if that's true then the jailer was the original person judging souls? Maybe the jailer got too powerful and wanted to destroy the first ones? That's why he was locked away?

  2. First Ones forged the Arbiter and her power source is the Jailor’s heart. Once the Jailors chains were broken the Arbiter went dormant. It’s possible now he’s free from his shackles and fuelled by endless anima he is corrupting the Arbiter from the Maw through the heart. As we can’t be certain of the Shadowlands origins and who created it, that the Arbitor is a creation of the First Ones. I don’t think the Shadowlands was created by the First Ones, rather I think they were the first to invade the Shadowlands. The Jailor would be the prime eternal and most pure embodiment of the cosmic force of death. The other eternals came after the Jailor and where Maldraxxus and Bastion are concerned these zones and the Archon and Primus would’ve literally been created by the first ones as well. The first ones invaded and reshaped the Shadowlands, built Oribos and after they could not convince the Jailor to submit to their ‘ordering’ of the Shadowlands they ripped out his heart and banished him to the Maw so he could not stand in their way. The first ones then used his heart to forge the Arbiter and Bastion, the Archon and the Kyrian to Shepard souls directly to Oribos so souls can be sorted into their respective zones in the new repurposed, purpose filled Shadowlands. Explains why Kyrian architecture and the Archon and Kyriand share a similar aesthetic with the Arbiter and First One architecture. The Jailor manipulated Sire Denathrius to his cause, who sired the Dreadlords to set his plan in motion across the cosmos. I think the Jailor wants to claim the soul of Azeroth to use its power to destroy the First Ones. I think Sylvanas similarly wants to destroy the Jailor but needs his power to do it as she similarly wants to destroy the cosmic forces, like the fact they have imprisoned us to serve the purpose eternally in death. In the cinematic when she says ‘this world is a prison’ I think she’s talking about the Shadowlands. She’ll betray the Jailor after destroying the Archon and keep his heart and true power to herself finally mastering death. I don’t think she’ll be our enemy at this point, but certainly the Horde and Alliance and mortal lives and loves truly do mean ‘nothing’ to her now.

  3. It occurred to me that burning of theldrasill is the thing that broke shadowlands,not tree itself but something in it,becose silvanas didn't intend to destroy it at first,she ordered troops to prepare for assault, and then after bit taunting,she did it trought shortcut and burned it down, destroying the thing she intended, without actually capturing tree itself and going up to the object

  4. I still cannot understand why Helya’ soul would break the Arbiter. The Arbiter was supposed to possess an extremely large quantity of souls, some of which are extremely evil, with evilness beyond the comprehension of mortals, and yet during an extremely long period of time, the Arbiter possessed those souls without being break. So I doubt whether Helya’s soul could break the Arbiter just because she was tortured and had her hatred.

    So this is my speculation. Can the reason behind the Arbiter’s break have something to do with Argus? Because I remember in Legion that in a quest (I cannot remember which quest), it was mentioned that Argus or something on it was the reason why demons could not truly be killed, and that once the demons were killed they can respawn somewhere. However at the end of the Legion expansion, Argus, or the thing on it that stopped the demons from death, was destroyed. After that, all of the dead demons’ soul went to the Arbiter at the same time. That is what I think caused the Arbiter to stop functioning.

    Let’s see that after 30 minutes.

  5. I like your channel but 2 hours into the game i think you are looking for likes to fund this bullshit channel because we both know white people can't make it in south africa.

  6. Good theory acco your probably spot on with this one. The only other possibility I can even think of would be xavius, as I don't think neither the legion nor the old gods would lay claim to his soul and he does brag about all the stuff he's corrupted. I doubt it's him but I am curious as to where his soul would actually go, knowing all that we know now about the shadowlands


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