Leaked Document: World of Warcraft's Next New Classes & Hero Talents

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Blizzard are testing class, spec and hero talent concepts against different segments of the playerbase – a move that makes a lot of sense given how Evokers were not universally well received.

Source: https://www.chromie.de/world-of-warcraft-blizzard-testet-neue-klassen-wie-totenbeschwoerer-und-kampfmagier-was-koennte-wirklich-kommen/


24 thoughts on “Leaked Document: World of Warcraft's Next New Classes & Hero Talents”

  1. IS there really any room for Wow post BG3? I mean, with a game that was really just one of the best of all time. Wow just seems so tired and confining and way past it's expiration date. It sucked the air out of the gaming community for so damn long. It just feels like maybe it's time to let it die peacefully. Let Blizz develop a new MMO. Hanging on to this relic is just doing more harm than good at this point.

  2. I don't think these are going to be new classes. I think these are going to be similar to a new game coming out called Ashes of Creation. You start as one class, but you kind of merge with another class to form a new class. A lot of these classes could work as specs for multiple classes, that might be what they're doing here. Each of these 'classes' will be a way your class is empowered in The Last Titan. They could have a series of new classes, and your character has a couple it can choose from. Like you could choose to be a Titanslayer if you're a Demon Slayer or a Warrior. They're going to want to go big for this expansion, so I wouldn't rule it out.

  3. Obviously I’d like to see Blizzard add more classes to the game, but I don’t think all of these ideas could be implemented properly as straight classes. I think the Tinker and a sort of dark magic class would be great, because they could use elements from other class ideas. For example, a Witch/dark magic class could have specializations to make a Necromancer that’d summon endless undead, a Witch Doctor that would specialize in say curses and debuffs, and an Apothecary that could throw poison bombs. Similarly, the Tinker could have a Gunslinger spec that specializes in making bigger and better guns, a tanking spec that uses a mech suit, a healing spec with deployable devices, etc. I’d like the idea of a Bard class, but that almost feels like it could be a new spec or hero class for another class, like rogues or priests. Besides, making at least three different specs revolving around singing and using a musical instrument as a weapon could be tricky. The Astrologian class sounds pretty cool, and maybe it could incorporate some of the other Titan-themed classes into it as specs as well, but I also think it could be a good fit as an add on to mages, priests or maybe even monks. Wardens sound like they would be a good fit for Hunters, especially if they give them the option to fight with one-handed melee weapons again like they used to in the old days. Prismatic sounds like something a Shaman would be able to pull off, tapping into all of the cosmic forces of the universe besides just the elements. One thing I would like to see is a tanking spec added to Evokers, as well as other races finally getting access to the class. I even have an idea of the potential theme to for a tank, with it essentially tapping into Vyranoth’s new powers as a Dragon Aspect, where the tank could summon giant shards of ice to use as weapons and armor, or use blizzards to slow enemies movement and attacks. Also, I’ve had this idea running around my head for years for a healer/support DH, who takes both external and self-inflicted damage and uses it as fuel for their healing spells, while using lifesteal attack and spells to keep themselves just shy of keeling over from their own injuries. And if you’ve read all the way to the end of this post, welcome to the inner recesses of my brain 😂

  4. @BellTeam Ty! For another nice video. Super glad WoW is still going strong after this many years. Much! MUCH! Respect to the devs and hope they nail the next class launch and keep us as happy as possible(let’s be honest 😩). Very much looking forward to it. Currently working on my fury war twink to help power level some of you in random dungeons. And VERY MUCH enjoying the process and the play style. This after MANY years of alts(since BC). 🥰


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