"LEGION" + "Teaser" REACTION | World of Warcraft

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World of Warcraft Legion
#wow #alliance #horde #legion

Original Video- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eYNCCu0y-Is&t=93s

Harbingers: https://youtu.be/KWNLH4Dzyk8 , https://youtu.be/C1daP1S9QyI , https://youtu.be/L3UX1Z7qgMc

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28 thoughts on “"LEGION" + "Teaser" REACTION | World of Warcraft”

  1. I love these.

    You should watch more "Wrath of the Lich King" cinematics. There's in-game cutscenes that make the lore more easy to understand for you.

    Not saying you don't have a grasp on the lore already. These videos are great!

  2. That was Gul'dan freeing Illidan in the teaser. Can't remember exactly why he did that though, lol.

    Sylvanas and the guy (Varian) weren't actually on the same side here, they just had a common enemy in The Burning Legion (a bunch of green-ish demons invading the world basically)

  3. Great video! Would appreciate if you also watch the " Reveal trailers " for all of the games! At least for wrath of the lich king and forward. They include some epic scenes and things each xpansions allowed players to do in the game.

  4. Maybe it can be good to see the first 12 minutes (3 chapter) of this 40 minutes video : "The Story of Warcraft – Full Version 2.0 [Lore]" on Youtube.

    This is a big summary of all the the Lore of Warcraft. It explain What is the LEGION, what is the LICH KING, and there's even some of Sylvana's Story, so you will understand better if she is good or evil or both or changing ^^


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