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World of Warcraft Legion
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I would love to do reactions for you guys lot more!
Watch one of the legion in game cinematic compilations.
Do you remember the sword from the Saurfang(BFA) cinematics?
Watch the starcraft cinematics aswell , they are hype af
I love these.
You should watch more "Wrath of the Lich King" cinematics. There's in-game cutscenes that make the lore more easy to understand for you.
Not saying you don't have a grasp on the lore already. These videos are great!
legion is after warlords, almost picks up right after the ending of warlords
That was Gul'dan freeing Illidan in the teaser. Can't remember exactly why he did that though, lol.
Sylvanas and the guy (Varian) weren't actually on the same side here, they just had a common enemy in The Burning Legion (a bunch of green-ish demons invading the world basically)
Great video! Would appreciate if you also watch the " Reveal trailers " for all of the games! At least for wrath of the lich king and forward. They include some epic scenes and things each xpansions allowed players to do in the game.
Maybe it can be good to see the first 12 minutes (3 chapter) of this 40 minutes video : "The Story of Warcraft – Full Version 2.0 [Lore]" on Youtube.
This is a big summary of all the the Lore of Warcraft. It explain What is the LEGION, what is the LICH KING, and there's even some of Sylvana's Story, so you will understand better if she is good or evil or both or changing ^^
Hey if you ever get a chance look at Legion Extended Preview, i think that will help you understand more on the game alittle bit 😊
Please do broken shore cinematic next both alliance and horde because there will you see why Varian was an amazing king 🙂
Maybe you can watch the stuff from Warlords of Draenor first.
It's called World of Warcraft – Lords of War – 5 Part Series 🙂
u should watch the in game cinematics of legion this expansion was the climax of the story
I think you'd really dig the intro cinematic to Warframe, a sci-fi shooter.
I still can’t wait for you to react to hurricane’s Black Temple trailer!!! So good in terms of his 3D work and making an epic raid look even more epic lol
Yea this is before she kinda went down xd
need reaction to final of this assault, cinematic named "broken shore"
Seeing as you saw the opening cinematic to this you simply NEED to see the Broken Shore cinematic for the Alliance. "A found memento: Raising a King"
He awake illidan stormrage, and that is end for gul'dan 🙂
Legion – Alliance Broken Shore Cinematic
Legion – Horde Broken Shore Cinematic
Sylvanas & Vol'jin Cinematic
Reaction hype ! 🙌🙏
Legion top!
It's so weird seeing Sylvanas here, and then watching what she becomes later… They ruined my favourite character. Her redemption arc isn't even compelling.
He was taking Illidan's body, in an attempt to summon Sargeras(The Dark Titan, and leader of the Burning Legion. Whose real physical form is planet-sized) into it.
Do a reaction to the Shadowlands cinematic
Varian is the biggest aliance hero of new age
Who is truly good here is Terran Gregory and his team.
We cherish Terran Gregory, we wouldn't be where we are artistically without him.
Why are you surprised about sylvanas appearance ? You do realize all of your reaction videos are Timeline backwards ? 🤔
As an unwavering former player for the Horde I can say with a clear conscious that Varian Wrynn was an honourable badass. Rest in Peace "Lo'Gosh".