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Asmongold plays Mop of Pandaria.
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Hit level 34 last night and completed all of jade forest quests , went with traditional Pandarian Monk ….i named Snackychan
I love how he blames the game right away lol guy just doesn’t know how to work it
Asmon just cant be wrong about the sub count no matter what. Cant understand algorithms are trained to not show you things. You dont see Wow because you told it not to show you wow.
Dragon riding is over twice as fast if you aren't braindead
They should only do old class design for classic. Classic MoP is literally up next. Time running is totally different and slaps
The power of reading
Mists of Nostalgia
Holy shit i was probly in highschool 12 years ago … Im old as hell
MOP was when I finally started playing WoW. I never intended to play it, I always figured it would be too much for me, I thought it was for super hardcore gaming nerds. I would get those little pop up ads like on facebook I think, the click to play ads for WoW, and I ignored them for a long time. But then I found out the game I wanted got delayed and I was getting impatient and bored and that little WoW ad kept taunting me every time I went on fb, so one day I finally clicked it. I figured eh I’ll just check it out for a short time to fill in til my other game gets released. Now here I am still playing 12 years later lol. Some veteran player basically took me under their wing and taught me how to play, guiding me through the game explaining everything. Not only how to play but lots of the lore, it was like having a WoW tour guide for my first few weeks of playing. Fond memories, I wonder if that guy still plays.
I dunno, this never felt like WoW to me. Vanilla will always be the bext experience. I wish they would just add more raids and dungeons without having all the extra things SoD has. but Im pleased with HC SF which is pretty much the only interesting WoW experience thats still worth playing.
Kids are now college students, 20's are now in their mid-30's…. and those of us who were 30 for MoP are now middle-aged old dudes lol.
I'm dissapointed. I had hopes he would be more entertaining playing this.
He seems to be having a bad time playing. Bad content.
I came to WoW with Classic and by TBC P2 I was quite bored of the same game loop and stopped playing all versions of WoW. So, I can't comprehend how someone can keep on playing the same again again and again while there is such variety of games from all kinds of genres out there.
Ah, yes. The year when one of my best friends ruined their entire medical education playing this game.
Lets be real. EVERYONE wants "Warlords of Draenor: Reforged"
is this live service? or private servers? i don't play wow so this is an honest question
It’s not gonna happen.
this looks so damn boring
"femboy furries"
The dragonflight cinematic was just an episode of my little pony
I honestly disabled all my addons lol
You can play this entire expansion in retail so I don't get the appeal of this re-mix. To collect more useless transmogs and mounts? As well, the idea of "Classic MoP" would be ridiculous.
100% with Asmon on SoD, I enjoyed it but the fact it's not permanent and everything will be gone within a year or so is always in the back of my head and limits how much commitment I give it.
Mists was also my last expansion where I queued outside a store at midnight. I remember there was a lot less people than the Cata midnight launch.
No one told you to install the addons
it true wow is popular but its dying kinda but people have their spirit die when they are new to wow and they get yelled at for asking for int cause I never played didnt know hunters had viper sting or whatever and a bunch of mages cussed me out lol I got bored and now waiting for p4 till I renew and there is too many bots Ive seen them in the city's when I started played in sod cause my friends said they'd guide me but then quit after so long I played till sod p3. it's not media popular the spells blind the SH** out of you as a viewer. but he'll never read this. Think about the spells or the sod ice trap late night watching you go blind mind raid cause some hunter shot his ice trap randomly. Sadly sod servers are dying they went from high to medium when cata classic dropped split the player base. They aren't respecting the time to level so players have to take time split between versions. I miss sod p1 when no one had gold or max level felt good being the first paladin to get my sparkling coif watching youtube videos and then taught my guild.
Man I might have to play again even though I haven’t played since 2016
Could you please make a video about Grummz final appeal to sign the FreeStellarBlade petition, which will be send in on the 26th. Shift-Up will release an update for the game next week. We have to push even harder for one more week. Everything will be decided in one week.
To bad you have to download Craptail.
Retail is not worth downloading for this.
I picked Horde because I played Horde back in the day during MOP and the first quest Garrosh gives you when he arrives is kill 25 Alliance. It just feels different (better). Voljin comes around and Garrosh calls him a frog kisser lmao.
Remind me how to play MoP remix
What's there to like about the normal mounts? I mean if you say "i like mount x more" or "i like normal flying better because there is way more variety in mounts" that's fair. But asmon just says he likes normal flying more than dragonflying? Did he ever notice dragonflying is like twice as fast?
Asmong not trying to shit on wow even when he has no idea about the game, challenge: Imossible
pisses me off everytime a new mode drops i seem to get banned
Literally first time watching anyone play WoW and I've never played myself. Thanks
Wod was not full digital, I still have a hard copy of it.
The example Asmon makes is so redoncilus "its not populaire on social so it's not good"… ok
Even if I really wanted to I just can't have fun in this game anymore… I wish there was some new, fresh, well-made mmo
Asmon trying his best to sh1t on retail where the game is better than it has ever been in the recent memory. Core systems are figured out, no major drama, no content draught etc. He story is the weak link but it has ever been and they're seem to be working on it the next trilogy of xpacks.
Valdrakken is always packed with ppl, i have no problems to get groups, the AH is well stocked, there's participation in activities in game. Some xpacks ago ppl would be maulding on the forums and social media, but they're playing the game instead. He'd know if he actually played the game. The MMO genre isnt the same as it was before, but for its market, WoW is the healthiest mmo out there.
"I wasn't paying attention" asmon 2024
wtf I dont get it, it was not supposed to be cataclysm this year ?? So we go directly from Wotlk to MoP… I don't understand Blizzard…
Wow. This is rather boring to watch. Beside, I think that during MoP the game developers were making open world questing a safe environment.
2:35 what if they are experimenting all this stuff for WOW 2.
What's the point playing this and skipping/talking over the dialog? Just seems like he's rushing it to get it over and done with. lol
Hard to believe this man was once good at the game lol