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We begin our new WoW Classic Hardcore playthrough as a Dwarf Hunter. In this episode we establish the rule set for this hardcore run and jump right into the action. I have linked the rule set from Classic HC below for your reference.
Cool idea, I'm looking forward to seeing your progress
I'm subbing for this HC hunter run, good luck and happy hunting!
You need to install hardcore add-on. You will not be able to group up with anyone and your run will be unrecognized.
That is a good idea, like to see it
Hard-core is hard as hell. Watched Rambles Gaming with his shaman Hard-core run. Robert Rambles WOW content was good looking forward to this one
Sounds tough, good luck. Just subbed btw
idk if you are aware but the ingame music is inaudible for us and your microphone picks up a lot of background noise
I enjoy robert as well. Good luck on your journey.
Good luck to you!
No way, you have to die.
which server is this on?
If you’re doing a dwarf hunter mining/engineering might be better. You can make your own amo and it does more damage than what vendors sell.
This came up in my "recommended to watch" and happy it did. New viewer and new sub! Currently also doing an HC challenge on this server as a Human Warrior! Good luck to you!
Block trading and take left mouse interaction so you dont turn on pvp by right clicking on a stealthed rogue who stands near an npc in Booty Bay usualy
You need the addon, Hardcore, to keep track of your progress
Bless you, bud. 10:10
This seems to be the new trend…hardcore.
By bank do you mean personal character bank or an alt character bank. Was wondering if you could make an alt character and use it as a bank for your main character
Had my first hardcore run and got killed but rerolled as a dwarf hunter so I’m really happy to see someone playing the same toon!!!
Good day! What server do u play? Is there one special server for hardcore?
you sire have a new sub!
The EU HC server is way bigger than Bloodsail Buccaneer. To the point that is' locked and you get free transfers off. So new Hc char are now spreading to the other servers as they can't make chars there anymore.
“I thought I just changed that?”
Yeah, you did. And clicked CANCEL. 🙄