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Welcome to this “let’s play” relaxing World of Warcraft Classic relaxing gameplay video with no commentary.
Relax and immerse yourself in this chill gaming experience. No commentary, just pure gameplay. Perfect for multitasking, enjoy the captivating music and ambiance of this game and enhance your activities.
Full adventure :
I used to play as a human paladin too. My WoW name was Lenamalie.
I've played WoW since the beginning in 2004 and my human paladin is still my main. Her name is Anastine.
I am not a Classic fan (more of a Retail Player) but I enjoy watching your content.
I’ve payed wow for about 10 years now and only play a retribution paladin. I have 15 in retail and 3 in cata and 3 in classic. Everything else I play is trash to me.