Let's Play World of Warcraft – Classic Vanilla – Immersive Hardcore Run – Forsaken Priest – Part 2

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In this series, we’ll play on the WoW Classic Vanilla Server Bloodsail Buccaneers, attempting a Hardcore run to level 60, this time on a Forsaken Priest.

– Death Equals Delete
– Only Self Found Gear
– No Open World Grouping
– No Auction House
– No Trading
– No Mailbox

– Tailoring
– Enchanting

– Immersion (for easier-to-read quest text)
– Questie
– Hardcore (to participate in the Hardcore challenge, achievements, etc.)


28 thoughts on “Let's Play World of Warcraft – Classic Vanilla – Immersive Hardcore Run – Forsaken Priest – Part 2”

  1. 13:44 to be fair:
    – Moonbrook is known for killing low level peeps, not only because of the mob density, but because of the Defias Pillagers hard-hitting fireballs. Independently of the class, you would probably have issues there, save for bubble running as a paladin, or sacrificing your voidwalker as a warlock;
    – There are equivalent zones on the horde leveling path, but you should already know that, based on the shaman run haha. To mention a few: Skull Rock (especially the named mob that you need to kill at the end of a quest chain), The Kolkar casters in Barrens, and the ENTIRE samophlange quest. There are some other deathtraps in Mulgore and Stonetalon, but those are a bit more obvious, like the rare Quilboar that nets you, and the elite spider quest that you get from a wanted poster.

    I've been trying to play along, and was reminded of the layer issue that will also be a headache for hardcore characters: Sometimes, mobs respawn instantly, and to aggravate things, some spawns are collective – meaning that some camps and other specific places will always spawn like a dozen mobs at the same time. Two examples that come to mind in Tirisfal Glades are:
    – The named gnoll inside a house, that you need to kill for a quest, he has some company inside and around his little house;
    – The entire undead population inside the Agamand Hills crypt. That place is a deathtrap, be careful.

  2. 21:12 you are correct: you basically only need to level enchanting to 70 so you can make both early-game wands. I'm playing as a warlock so that's more or less my plan too. After getting to this point, I'll switch Enchanting for a money making profession, like Mining or Skinning (vendoring those items is still very lucrative, despite not being able to sell them at the AH), while keeping Tailoring, since you can make some very good spellpower gear for cheap.

    You can also ditch both professions and get Engineering+Mining or Alchemy+Herbalism: both combos are very good for hardcore characters, the former for early helmet slots and gadgets (like the grenades that apply blindness), and the latter for the many useful consumables.

  3. In the chunk of England I'm from, we definitely say "Harth". But there are plenty of dialects that say "Hurth", and even ones that say things like "'Orth" or "Heerth". So, frankly, you pays yer money and you takes yer choice.

  4. This video randomly showed up in my recommendations and I don't even play WoW anymore (quit Classic before tbc came out) but this video was still very cool. I've seen some ppl do this hardcore thing as a soft revival(?) for vanilla classic? Is the hardcore checker official or is it an addon? Anyway, these videos will make for some great background stuff 👍

  5. I think the zone hopping on this character will help you early on. Easier to focus on green quests and it may take longer, but I think it's a better choice than grinding mobs because you feel unsafe with certain yellow quests you might have in your log.

  6. Go Shadow as it has the most benefits for an Undead Forsaken.

    Get the 5/5 Spirit Tap talent followed by the stun for shadow spells talent as the RNG on it is unpredictably good.
    You now open with Mind Blast+SW Pain and wand things til dead, you can't pull multiple mobs and need to abuse fear aoe but not chain more mobs into your death.

    Do dungeons for cool wands and robes, you don't need spirit case you 5/5 talent you should be done by lv 15.

  7. as others have said, enchanting to make lesser and greater magic wands, then drop it for a gathering prof, mining is good as the random gems you might get sell to vendors quite well, as well as the ore and stones that you will always get


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