you mentioned being Tauren as a paladin, they are the best choice currently for most classes/specs for racial reasons. regardless playing whats fun is always nice 🙂 love the retail gameplay keep it coming, the mage included 😛
They did my boy Baine DIRTY in shadowlands, I get the why Thrall and Jaina were "main characters cuz warcraft 3 nostalgia" anduin too of course and even Tyrande, but bro Baine was there like an NPC the entire story, there was no reason to kidnap him and then forget about him like that
I have found one difference for Horde. I have a horde paladin and an alliance paladin and that is a quest with Ebissian. The quest starts the same but there is much more to it on the horde side. You will need to fill out your glyph talent tree for dragon riding. They carry over from your other character but you will need to do that.
dragonflight is so good
just edit your layout
New patch content it’s been so much fun, if u can, give it a try 🙂
Love this!!
you mentioned being Tauren as a paladin, they are the best choice currently for most classes/specs for racial reasons. regardless playing whats fun is always nice 🙂 love the retail gameplay keep it coming, the mage included 😛
They did my boy Baine DIRTY in shadowlands, I get the why Thrall and Jaina were "main characters cuz warcraft 3 nostalgia" anduin too of course and even Tyrande, but bro Baine was there like an NPC the entire story, there was no reason to kidnap him and then forget about him like that
they reaaaaaaally need to update blood elf paladin animations
how do you get the holy power to show above the enemy health bar?
I have found one difference for Horde. I have a horde paladin and an alliance paladin and that is a quest with Ebissian. The quest starts the same but there is much more to it on the horde side. You will need to fill out your glyph talent tree for dragon riding. They carry over from your other character but you will need to do that.
Love to see how much fun you are having on the pala!
You can mine in mount no need to dismount.
That bronze mount is from evokers hehe😊