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In this series, we’ll level as a Monk from 1 to 50 in Retail World of Warcraft. We’ll be questing through the Mists of Pandaria time-walking campaign. This will be a relaxing, immersive leveling experience. We’ll be reading the majority of the quests, and setting our own pace.
This playthrough we’ll be add-on free, with minimal UI elements to allow for greater immersion.
I am so gonna use this once my new pc is ready to go!
you're the first new let's play WoW i've seen in years. i've missed them dearly.
This is so sick
sorry to say this these types of gameplay videos kill the magic/adventure for new players/players wanting to be immersed.
Youtubers and twitch streamers killed it for majority of games as gamers just watch them play instead of actually playing the game 'their' own way. instead of playing 'along side' the streamer who doesn't know they exist…. Ragnarok Online Official Europe Video
I always thought WoW content really deserved more Let's Plays. Watching a more casually-organized video like this is so refreshing.
took you 30+ min to get to 10 lol
Please continue this series PLEASE
This is amazing, more wow lets plays!
Edit: Just checked your channel and oboy i have stuff to watch!
Love the video and you make it look like so much fun thank you
Seeing the game this way, with the default ui, with music, and the "non minmaxing with heirlooms" way to play is reminding me and probably many others of why we fell in love with wow in a sense we have never done with any other game. Thanks!
This game has the potential to be so good again man, its just completely fubar now
The leveling was always fun. Too bad there is no endgame.
its funny that you had to use a medkit on an undead XD why ? so she doesnt die?
As a new player, what can I do to not stare at my skills the whole time while playing? it feels like I'm missing everything
I really enjoy this style of video, please keep making these!
This guy sounds like Lafonda's boyfriend.
WOW Retail is basically a shit game
Man, wow new writing is hot garbage. Just unbearable to hear this
Hey there. I played back in 2004-2005. Then my daughter was born and I had to stop playing. Well, she’s 17 now and I just purchased a gaming laptop. I’m looking forward to playing this again. Have there been major changes from then to now? I mean I know things have changed a bit, but is it still a great MMORPG?
Gods. I really can't handle the constant barrage of hideous uber-cheesy voice acting. Clearly Retail is not built for aging nerds!
Mists of Pandaria is my most favourite. i love it😍