Let's Play World of Warcraft Mysteries of Azeroth Turtle WoW – High Elf Mage Part 15 -Chill Gameplay

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6 thoughts on “Let's Play World of Warcraft Mysteries of Azeroth Turtle WoW – High Elf Mage Part 15 -Chill Gameplay”

  1. There is also a hidden quest behind a church like building which you passed at 48:00, a small chest which starts a quest. 🙂 if those comments take away from you Immersion, please say so

  2. Rough day for Turtle. I was going to begin a series on the server about a week ago now but opted for Nyctermoon. Hope things work out. I find it kinda sus that Blizzard took down TWoW's YT channel and then they get hacked lol. Call me a conspiracy theorist, i mean… because i am but that's beside the point. 🤣

    I would have been bumming tonight since it's my birthday, and really want to grind some dungeons. Check out Nyctermoon, the bot group mechanic is pretty awesome actually.


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