Let's Play World of Warcraft: Shadowlands (Group Torghast – Layer 12 – The Upper Reaches)

Read more about Shadowlands ➜ https://worldofwarcraft.mgn.tv

Hey everyone!

Welcome back to Basic Level Gaming! Today we are headed back into Torghast. This is a part two to the previous video, and we are with the same group. This time we are going into The Upper Reaches, and it will be a layer 12 again. Everything actually goes pretty well, but we still not get a Flawless score. We just did not get enough of the stronger powers to be able to kill things at a high enough speed to get the extra points. We will eventually get all of the layer 12s though.

On another note, you will surely have noticed that this is the first video of the week. This is because I started a new part time job on the side this week. This has just made for having to figure out scheduling and such again, and caused some hectic days here in the beginning. Definitely don’t give up on us though. This will not stop the channel from going forward. We may adjust how many videos a week, but we will certainly keep bringing new content! Thank you for sticking with us!

Thank you and have a great day!


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