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This is a Shadowlands World of Warcraft Lets Play where I am leveling a Hunter from levels 1 to max level.
Read more about Shadowlands ➜
This is a Shadowlands World of Warcraft Lets Play where I am leveling a Hunter from levels 1 to max level.
Would be nice to see the undead’s get some appreciation for once. They have always been crapped on in the past. Victims of betrayal and a leader that doesn’t love them. Also there city is gone, would be cool if the horde helped rebuild UC or a new main city. I wonder if Lillian voss will become the new leader I think that would be awesome, but saying that one of the first quests you do as forsaken is showing Lillian Voss a mirror and she’s horrified by being undead lol. The forsaken are definitely my favourite race they deserve to be hero’s this expansion.
Nice doggo trav what you gunna call him? Doggodingo 😂