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This is a Shadowlands World of Warcraft Lets Play where I am leveling a Hunter from levels 1 to max level.
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This is a Shadowlands World of Warcraft Lets Play where I am leveling a Hunter from levels 1 to max level.
Love the thumbnail
Gg on the bg win…close battles seem to be the best. I feel the same way about doing the same dungeon consistently but if it’s a dungeon I enjoy then I would stay to the end
When ya boi Trapdingo goes D-up it’s a straight GG for the horde!!
The human trappers had to go dude, Azeroth only has room for one trapper 😉
Will you upload soup clearing Naxx trav?
Grizzly Hills, amazing zone my no. 2 fav, first place would go to Storm Peaks. Beside having rich lore and zone music, plus that Son's of Hodir quest chain which i personally enjoyed, (many people found it tiresome) it gives of Frozen wasteland vibe without being too gloomy like Icecrown. Didn't played from mop up to now but might go back.