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This is a Shadowlands World of Warcraft Lets Play where I am leveling a Hunter from levels 1 to max level.
Read more about Shadowlands ➜
This is a Shadowlands World of Warcraft Lets Play where I am leveling a Hunter from levels 1 to max level.
400 let's gooooooooooo
They still RP-Walk even in WoW Afterlife…
Speaking of which, doesn't it seem that each of the lords of the individual realms of the Shadowlands is kind of incompetent? Like they let this draught go on for so long without apparently trying to coordinate some kind of repsonse? Kind of makes you wonder why it took so long for theJailer to launch his offensive with the opposition being essentially oblivious to the threat? Maybe they're all high on anima? I mean the Shadowlands does seem like some kind of junkie paradise and all.
Congrats on 400 Trav
Hello, I dont know if you know Trav but you have ability to heal pet over time. Its pet ability you can find it in where you revive pet its called Mend Pet.