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Hey everyone!
Welcome back to Basic Level Gaming! Today we dive back into Revendreft, in an attempt to take down the Accuser. If something seems off about the story so far here in Revendreft, good. It should seem off, and as expected after we capture the Accuser we learn more of what is going on. Before I get too far ahead of myself though, we take a very important step before we even get the Accuser.
It is important that you take the time to adjust your skills as you level up. We were basically working with the same skillset that we had at a very early level, and it showed. After several deaths, I decided to create a new skill bar. It made a world of difference immediately. I still need to tweak it some, and it needs to be on the right bar so it pops up automatically when I shift, but it was a huge difference. We went from failing miserably, to having it easy.
After we sorted that out, we head out on the Penitent Hunt. I am not a fan of some of this story line, and I am at the same time. I like the story, but the idea of torturing souls forever is almost too creepy. At the last stage of the hunt, the Accuser convinces us to take a look at a different version of events. It instantly becomes obvious that the Master is not a good guy. The bad part is, he knows we saw him.
That is where we will pick up in the next video. It will be Monday at the latest, but I may sneak in another video earlier. It would be to make up for the one we missed yesterday due to maintenance. Don’t forget to hit the subscribe button and turn on notifications so you don’t miss the surprise episode when it goes up!
Thank you and have a great night!