Let's Play World of Warcraft: Shadowlands (Three Mythic+ Dungeon Runs)

Read more about Shadowlands ➜ https://worldofwarcraft.mgn.tv

Hey everyone!

Welcome back to Basic Level Gaming! Today’s video takes us on some dungeon adventures. We start out in a Mythic +9 Mists of Tirna Scithe. I find this to definitely be one of the easiest of the dungeons in this expansion, though it can get sticky at times. Overall this run goes very well, and we manage to make it in time to upgrade the key to a +10 Sanguine Depths. This is the highest key that one of our party members has done, so that being said it was a great run. Next we head off to run that +10 key that was just retrieved. Sanguine is one of, if not the, hardest dungeon in this expansion in my opinion. There are some pretty tricky spots, especially if you aren’t familiar with it. This time around we do well though, and even manage to upgrade the key again. We end up going with someone else’s key for the last dungeon of the series, and head into a +10 Spires of Ascension. I actually like this dungeon, even if it isn’t the absolutely easiest. It is pretty predictable though, which is what makes me most comfortable. We keep up the trend of upgrading the key by finishing this run in time as well. All three upgrades were +1, so not the best time, but enough to increase our Mythic+ rating.

Thank you and have a great day!


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