Let's play World of Warcraft: Shadowlands with Lowko! (Ep. 2)

Read more about Shadowlands ➜ https://worldofwarcraft.mgn.tv

In this series of videos I play the first week of the release of World of Warcraft: Shadowlands. WoW is one of my favourite games of all time.

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands playlist: http://lowko.tv/wowshadowlands

My main YouTube channel: http://youtube.com/lowkotv
Lowko Merch: http://lowko.tv/merch

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The hardware setup I use: https://lowko.tv/setup/

#MoreLowko #LowkoTV #WoW #Shadowlands



3 thoughts on “Let's play World of Warcraft: Shadowlands with Lowko! (Ep. 2)”

  1. So Sylvanas is like the queen and all that or whatever, and she travels Azeroth and chills, and suddenly she's like "Oh, wait a second! Imma go to the afterlife and one-shot an ancient Arbiter, strike a deal with the Maw Jailer, kidnap every prince on earth who I could not kill before, and…(insert devil plan)". Sounds… legit, haha
    Oh, and everyone in Shadowlands when Sylvanas comes for the first time: yep, that's Sylvanas.
    All people when learning what the afterlife truly is are lile "Yep, we recently learned about this new realm… and we already have a portal there".


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