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In this playthrough, we’ll take a human hunter from level 1 to level 60 in Retail World of Warcraft. We’ll be starting with Exile’s Reach for levels 1-10, and doing levels 10 – 50 in Battle for Azeroth content, as a player who is new to the game would do. As always, we’ll be reading all the quests, and watching any cutscenes, etc.
Woot another great upload. I got the next two days off. Wow time!!
Really love your uploads. Binged watched them today. then drank the wine and went on a quest lol . Thanks again from Ireland 🙂
I only just started shadowlands, just solo player pve not really into pvp stuff, come and go from wow. but enjoying it so far. I feel pve solo type players get a bit left out in wow, once the quests are done, that's it and there's no point in playing as you just end up doing quest that have no challenge cos your overpowered. So I play through expansions then stop playing for years till new ones come out. Its a shame. Either that or I feel forced to get into pvp raids or dungeons. is that just me or what? Anywhos thanks again for all the uploads. I really love them 🙂
Great gameplay, music..all good, thanks,RR.