LEVEL SQUISH CONFIRMED! World of Warcraft Shadowlands Update! Blizzcon 2019

Read more about Shadowlands ➜ https://worldofwarcraft.mgn.tv

Shadowlands has now been announced as the next WoW expansion but some other news has also snuck in… Level squish is now confirmed! This info was released in a press kit from Blizzard and describes the current cap being reduced from 120 to 50 in the next pre-expansion pack. This will be raised to 60 for the Shadowlands expansion itself!

Wowhead article: https://www.wowhead.com/news=295966/shadowlands-level-squish-120-players-squished-to-50-level-to-60-on-expansion


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28 thoughts on “LEVEL SQUISH CONFIRMED! World of Warcraft Shadowlands Update! Blizzcon 2019”

  1. Nice coverage. I'm interested in how they are going to change the talent system associated with leveling. Hopefully they go back to a tree similar to Vanilla, or new parallel advancement methods. Grinding for Azerite and only having a handful choices wasn't a whole lot of fun, in my opinion. The number on the level doesn't mean much to me – What they do to the classes does. 🙂

  2. My main question is how will heirlooms work. Considering how we've bought upgrades for heirlooms to bring us all up to 120. Will they stop functioning at level 20 for the basic heirlooms?

  3. t horrible getting rid of artifact powers was a bad idea all we need was new powerful spells and Abilities for the classes it sucks not happy with the idea of 50 and 60 it’s wrong I am gonna have them change there minds soon

  4. This is actually fucked there changing way to much from the original experience .
    I have a main like so many as us do that i leveld from 1-120 in Cataclysm up untill BFA squishing it all back to original wow level (1-60) –
    is just gonna make me feel like all you did was for nothing how are they gonna scale the world to this when its just 1-60 for everything ? .

  5. People already crying without knowing how the xpac will be… amazing.
    Prolly they will revamp the entire game so you will be able to solo old content, it will be like old "Numbers Revamp" so we stopped having 2.5M of HP and giving us more normal numbers.
    But again: People crying about stuffs they don't know yet.

  6. and this is why i am not and refuse to get the new xpac shadowlands. because of there dumb level squish. all of us that have put in countless hours of hard work getting our toons to 120 only so they turn around and undue all the hard work. i swear blizzard wants people leaving there game. just watch there sales on this shit xpac will drop like they have never seen before and they will lose a world record number of players like they have never seen before. this is why games like amazon's new world. panthon. and ashes of creation need to come out soon. to be a replacement for a old game that is turning out to be a wash.


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