Level up FAST in Pre Patch for Shadowlands! Casual-friendly Leveling Guide for Patch 9.0

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A lot of alts got parked at the start of Battle for Azeroth at the old level 110 never to be taken through the final 10 levels to 120, due to how alt-unfriendly BfA expansion has felt to many of us.

In this video, I’ll share my own findings and leveling pointers that worked very well for my last alt that I’ve just taken to the top level 50 of the post-squish world.

Leveling improvements are massive, and the switchable Timewalking campaigns are what makes this journey so special and enjoyable! 👍

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📑 Table of Contents

00:00 – Intro
01:43 – Contents
02:23 – Leveling Changes
08:16 – Leveling Priorities
08:48 – Rested XP
09:40 – PvP XP Bonus
10:58 – Least Played Exp.
12:32 – Exp. with Bodyguard
13:15 – Exp. Intro Quests
14:24 – Bonus Objectives
15:55 – Switch Zones
18:00 – What to do at 50?
20:45 – Summary

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❤ HUGE THANK YOU for the Free Music by these amazing people:

NoCopyrightSounds: https://www.youtube.com/user/NoCopyrightSounds

#leveling #guide #prepatch


32 thoughts on “Level up FAST in Pre Patch for Shadowlands! Casual-friendly Leveling Guide for Patch 9.0”

  1. Hey mate, really appreciate your unapologetic casual friendly style of videos, really refreshing change from a lot of other content creators and great to see a different perspective. This video was really helpful for me, levelling an alt through Legion and was wondering what to do once I hit 50 to start gearing, so the last part of the video was spot on.

  2. I´ve leveled in WoD 20-45 and Jesus Christ, I was ganked by stupid Hordies 10-20 lvl higher than me so many times, it slows my leveling speed so much…Gogrond was unplayable, had to return to Shadowmoon, than Talador and than left WoD for BfA for doin reputations leading to WQ and cloak to speed it up.
    EDIT: one have to have all three basic faction in BfA (Proudmoore, Stormwake and Order) at least FRIENDLY, so it´s quite PITA because Drustvar is very slow at start with reputation. That´s why I´m leveling my fresh alts in BfA at first to have all three at friendly and than switch to whatever Chromie Time i want…or you can jump at 45 to BfA and hope you can do at least two faction up.

  3. If you choose WOD and have the herb Garden and Mine you can level that way. I've leveled 6 of my alts simply logging in and picking the herb garden and doing the mine. Takes less than 2 weeks from 45 and only takes 10 minutes per day.

  4. I had 30% XP as ally but only 10% as horde. I think i heard a streamer say if the ratio is like "70% horde and 30% ally have warmode activ", then they get higher XP boost cuz of the higher risk or something.

  5. Dunno why all the guide makers recommend bonus objectives as the main source of leveling. 1 Bonus objective was worth as much as 2 quests, but they take longer than 2 quests do. Especially in Legion where it takes such a long time to complete 1 objective. Not worth it after the nerf.

  6. it took me without warmode on (30% buff) and without dungeons:
    draenor 10h 32 min from 1-50 (2h lvl 20 / 4h lvl 30 / 6h 40 mins lvl 40)
    bfa 9h 36 min from 1-50 (4h lvl 30 / 6h lvl 40) xxx another character 9h 3 mins without epic flying, (starting zone draenor than bfa 7h 52 mins and i died 2 or 3 times=
    legion 9h 7 mins from 1-50 (4h lvl 30 / 5h 54 min lvl 40) "made 2 big mistakes! 1. i did not know how to skip legion start quest 2. i gone to suramar……. i did not learn fast flying!"
    pandaria 10h 4 mins from 1-50 (3h 59min lvl 30 / 6h 34 min lvl 40) "20 min afk, no fast flying"

    I lvled without any enhancements or speed items, i tried to finish every quest in a zone before going into another so i did not skip quest that gave bad xp/min and i was runing up and back a few times but still i think 10h + – is not bad at all. This was my normal run not speedruning and i think most people who played this expansions atleast once should get this times and even faster.
    I have no idea how wowhead came to:
    Warlords of Draenor – 12 hours
    Legion – 14 hours
    Battle for Azeroth – 16 hours
    Mists of Pandaria – 16 hours
    my question to you, how long do you need in different expansions? i know speedruners do it in 5 hour + – but i am more interested in casuals and such!

  7. Regarding the six Chromie options, Cata and BC no yet tested. At the moment, and only doing quests and dungeons quests, all options seem to be quite balance giving the advantage to legion due to assaults that gave me almost a full lvl . Cheers mate 😀

  8. Also, they did not boost the XP from warmode, warmode is always been a scaling thing. The more people who used Warmode on alliance side, the less XP bonus there will be. So you just checked during a time where there were a ton of alliance people using warmode. It's been as high as 30% though.

  9. Unless you have done the BFA quests and gotten friendly with all factions you should NOT ding 50 in chromie time. Exit Chromie time at lvl 45ish and DO the BFA questlines, so you can row right into unlocking your heart of azeroth and your legendary cloak at lvl 50.

  10. I'm leveling alts as fast as 2 days and in WOD for garrison building. Garrison's are still quite good to make gold. Yes, I'm not fast by any means but I'm happy as hell to be maxing level this fast.

  11. Sorry, I have the time to play for up to 8 hours a day in real time so consider that as you will. Not everyone can play that long in one day unless it's the weekend; I get that and should have included the actual time.

  12. Exp warmode was 10% horde and 30% alliance then 25%… irrelevant of server faction population. Tested on proudmoore,stormrage alliance dominant (well according to some data i saw) et area52 supposedly horde dominant… which is hard for me to understand as we cross people from other realms… i thought having 3 heirlooms to level 4 with enchant. Neck, ring(i dont have yet) and cloak. At 45 replacing with crafting not sure… watching your video as of now XD


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