Leveling Changes Happening In The War Within – Alpha

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Some big leveling changes are happening in the 11.0 patch and The War Within expansion! Check out what’s coming soon!

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19 thoughts on “Leveling Changes Happening In The War Within – Alpha”

  1. Will be awesome for me. The way im going to do it in war within… Level my main, my shaman. So i have mail armor taken.. Then a plate user, my warrior for plate mog and mining… Whille having 5% bonus. Then a leather dude, which is my demon hunter. For skinning and just leather mog, whille having 10% bonus xp. Then level a cloth dude, my shadow priest for cloth and tailoring. With th 15% bonus. And then see how things go from there. Will maybe level 1 armor type, One after another untill i have every class done. Then maybe start on leveling my extra class alt i have for mog farming from lfr and the great vault. Since i have 2 of each class right now.. Apart from Evoker.. Will see when they plan to allow 2 evokers on a server. Because i dont want to level an evoker on another server just to haev 2 of them.

  2. Flying at level 15!?!? FINALLY. My alt drug addictions are almost at a 100% completion. Just a few more tweaks needed by the devs before the EMPIRE has reached it's full Glory!

  3. The fact that they haven’t come out with a curated MSQ type leveling system boggles my mind. Yes keep the ability to level up through questing and pick your expansion for people who want to level up that way but why not create a chrome story line that is handcrafted and takes us through each expansions major plot points and themes and weaves together a leveling experience that takes 4-8 hours or what ever they feel is fine but it drops you right off at the new expansion. It can also showcase the different content and get new players experience with what dungeons and even raids are like.

  4. Why 2.5 million. Maybe they should lower that amount relative to how many alts you have. I have 45+ at level 25+ and one 70 of every class, probably 20+ at above level 50. Like give me a break on gold.

  5. I just stopped playing when 10.2(Emerald Dream dropped) and I'm planning to be back for WW…please make a video of the stuff that I missed that I need to do to be ready for expansion.

  6. Chromie Time would be ok if there was some kind of ‘introduction’ questline to actually explain it, it kind of leaves you standing there like…ok what next and wandering around looking for bread crumbs. Lol. Chromie, our favorite little dragon deserves better! (I tend to level one; and then run out the ‘rested exp’ on the top 3 alts. Timewalking is where I spend most of my time leveling alts especially during Darkmoon fair exp buff week)


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