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Well, Claak already resubbed to Shadowlands but YOU SHOULDNT!! Some LFG 2v2 arenas on his low geared priest! PVP 2s retail looking for group;
Business Email: [email protected]
2nd channel:…
Edit: baboowa
low item level, low ilevel, low gear Priest, Disc Priest, Discipline priest, priest 2s 2v2 Priest, disc priest 2v2 arena wow, Enhancement Shaman WoW PvP Shaman Enh sham WoW Shadowlands shaman 9.1.5 ; 9.1 ; patch 9.1.5 ; patch 9.1 enhancement sham, coming back to wow, returning to wow, is 9.1.5 worth coming back to, shadowlands pvp season
#Shadowlands #WoW #wowpvp
This is good for us
wtf 3:05 ?
Back peddling is a good way to fake out ya opponent.
Bro I straight up was hoping for a new vid today 😮 You hear my thoughts?
you humor is amazing, II love the style of editing u do on your vids, just keep making content man! I miss the eyes crying on the pics tho xD
what m+ level shoud i Q up for im 225 ilvl
im so used to fighting rogues that when i saw the rogues hp low i was like, "get him get him, oh wait thats your teammate"
Another Claak video let's gooooooo
Hey claak, it's Quickpic here!
I wish I could have seen the video with us playing, it was mad fun! And yo, if I see you on LFG again, I'll sign up instaaaa 🤣
Have a good one my friend 😊
13:25 did not know that Claak was a fan on Fairy tail xD
loving ur lowkey panicked commentary while you do arena, more please!
Wish I could enjoy Shadowlands arena as much as you man. 👌 good video been looking forward to it
Why is there fairy tail music at end hahah
Where’s ascension
How is that 1700+?