Liberation of Undermine Raid Renown: MAJOR Damage/Healing Buffs, Gear, Transmogs, Mount & MORE!

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33 thoughts on “Liberation of Undermine Raid Renown: MAJOR Damage/Healing Buffs, Gear, Transmogs, Mount & MORE!”

  1. I love everything about this! One thing that I’m still curious about will be the renown pacing. My first instinct would assume 1 renown per week (assuming full clear), which might make sense with the damage buffs. However waiting 8 weeks for raid skip feels long, when previously it might take 4 full clears to unlock a raid skip feels long

  2. If you didnt Notice but people use raids to gear up More than Anything else, so Im guessing Wow did the Raid Focus Rep because of it. You Need to check the numbers between Raids and Mythic and the amount of People playing and where .

  3. 00:16 – Not really there were several raids which had factions tied to them, of the top of my head:
    Black Temple – Ashtongue Deathsworn
    Molten Core – Hydraxian Waterlords
    Karazhan – The Violet Eye
    Serpentshrine Cavern – Cenarion Expedition
    Battle for Mount Hyjal – Sands of Time

  4. Wha. I don't get?! I got to do raid to get renown now? If you get a good amount of xp by doing the raid is okay, but gaining repu through only raid that is bad.

    I was intented to skip this raid, because I don't like the theme. There must be something else that hasn't been revealed yet.

  5. Based on the damage % buff from this past raid you can probably get 1 renown rank a week. puts first dmg % at week 3 which is right after the typical RTWF timeframe has ended

  6. As someone relatively new to WoW, I love this and that the mount is achievable over time. I don’t love items locked behind really difficult content that I will never have a shot of obtaining. So this track is exciting for me. Thanks!

  7. I mean.. we already got a high amount of players who demands curve on week one… so i m guessing the dammage and heal increase will be a thing pug leaders will demand before inviting.. a part from that it aint a bad system. But we will see players use this system to be stupidly demanding. A nice thing for guildies though


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