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What do you think of having a exclusive Renown tied to the Raid?
looks like LFR is back on the menu for rep
It is not called "The Intercontinental" mate.
🤮 renown… here we go again. no thanks.
I like the idea of a raid having a renown track. I haven't run the 1st raid much at all, but this give me a reason to keep raiding.
really excited for this, looks great.
I love everything about this! One thing that I’m still curious about will be the renown pacing. My first instinct would assume 1 renown per week (assuming full clear), which might make sense with the damage buffs. However waiting 8 weeks for raid skip feels long, when previously it might take 4 full clears to unlock a raid skip feels long
throwing darts at the board, ignoring the important issue… The usual…
"first time you see this" ?
You've not been playing that long I guess.
We need the gallywix outfit and/or fat goblins or hobgoblins!!
love it, need more like it 😀 be nice to have sumthing similar for m+ based on score or similar 🙂
If you didnt Notice but people use raids to gear up More than Anything else, so Im guessing Wow did the Raid Focus Rep because of it. You Need to check the numbers between Raids and Mythic and the amount of People playing and where .
Ooh, I like this. A way to integrate catch-ups and deterministic rewards into raids.
I am going insane, it's NOT "INTERcontinental," it's "INcontinential." Yes, it's an intended misspelling of "INTRAcontinental."
zuper zick
How long will it take?
The whole season most likely.
How far is Blizz going to take this special VIP room at the Gallagio? Was thinking it would include free drinks, but this game does have elves …
Pretty sure raid rep was a thing as far back as TBC, erm Karazan, Mount Hijal, The Black Temple etc. If not earlier.
00:16 – Not really there were several raids which had factions tied to them, of the top of my head:
Black Temple – Ashtongue Deathsworn
Molten Core – Hydraxian Waterlords
Karazhan – The Violet Eye
Serpentshrine Cavern – Cenarion Expedition
Battle for Mount Hyjal – Sands of Time
Wha. I don't get?! I got to do raid to get renown now? If you get a good amount of xp by doing the raid is okay, but gaining repu through only raid that is bad.
I was intented to skip this raid, because I don't like the theme. There must be something else that hasn't been revealed yet.
Based on the damage % buff from this past raid you can probably get 1 renown rank a week. puts first dmg % at week 3 which is right after the typical RTWF timeframe has ended
Hydraxian waterlords was a rep linked to MC!
Im going so much after that dinosaur mount 🤩🤩
Not a fan of raids, but I will do this for that mount 100%!
I hope this also means we'll finally be getting other non mech T rex mounts at some point in the future.
Raid skip from renown so much better. Dont play 4 weeks with every char for this.
Now they just need to make the mecha dino fly, just like the mecha spiders.
As someone relatively new to WoW, I love this and that the mount is achievable over time. I don’t love items locked behind really difficult content that I will never have a shot of obtaining. So this track is exciting for me. Thanks!
I mean.. we already got a high amount of players who demands curve on week one… so i m guessing the dammage and heal increase will be a thing pug leaders will demand before inviting.. a part from that it aint a bad system. But we will see players use this system to be stupidly demanding. A nice thing for guildies though
I'd love to have something similar for all raids going forward. Maybe could open the door for legacy raid renowns?
2:37 Paula Piranha made me laugh ahahaha I really want to see what they will translate her name to in portuguese
Lol I hope they make the T-Rex mount .1% so blizz can farm some more poor souls 😂😂😂
The Mech stuff has killed WoW for me… Before anyone says it's in the lore, no. Sorry all