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i been playin ascension wow nonstop for the past week, havent even touched retail or classic or sod, holy fuck i been missin out ascension is so crazy
Lots of buffs but not for arcane mage, as always, fire and frost can get buffs without nerfs behind but not arcane
arcane is dumped in B tier in PVP and PVE, no hope so far for anything better.
Delete havoc dh already
Surprised by some of the warlock changes but meh. Bit sad demo didnt get anything but at least we got no nerfs.
I have even less time to play than usual so i dont really care about the other 2 specs
Shame to see enhancement shamen nerfed but it was a long time coming. I will still play it no matter what though
what fucking dumbasses are doing the balance patches the fuck, how do they keep missing the actual big issues, and no ret pally nerf? lmao who are we kidding
Ret and Unholy untouched is relieving
Meta isn't changing lol
No changes to Balance druid MAKES ME SICK! No changes to druid spec tree is even more DISGUSTING! Not resubbing until Midnight I guess, bye!
Just when San’Layn was starting to get competitive with Blood, Deathbringer gets buffed again -__-
not being rude but plz talk a lil faster i cnat watch this videos with out putting them on 1.5x
Mage changes are insane… I'm already doin good single target DPS with Frostfire. I find it more reactive and easier to play than Spellslinger Frost. I'm still mad about what they did to Sunfury Arcane, but I was really hopin for some fire mage changes because they really lack damage especially in shorter fights.
Still no havoc changes? The spec which is all about pain truly knows what pain is
I thought you were adding time marks? changes for Dark ranger..Just great…I'll stick to BM for pvp and Surv for pve…and DR for class fantasy purposes only. Great.
is SURVIVAL meta? where is my god damn invite then? xD
The yoyo balancing in this game is fuckin toxic.
…Does Deathstalker still knock rogues out of stealth still?
Frost buffs and survival nerfs is WILD
Thank god yet another nerf/buff patch,we are only on like the 10th one.
They could easily do large number changes like "all abilities +20% damage to Guardian Druids, Devastation Evokers, etc." but they won't, cause than people might have fun playing any class. The gaps are crazy.
I’m surprised they didn’t nerf ench shaman but instead buffed the other hero spec crazy been the top spec for a minute
don’t get me wrong I love my shaman and I’m happy they didn’t nerf it but blizzard logic is to funny sometimes
I wish each ability tooltip would specify how a skill works in pve and pvp. What are all of the differences if there are any.
No changes to Vengeance??? Come on
I don't play hunter but good god show hunters some love, now all 3 specs are gonna be subpar while a class (mage) where all 3 of the builds are viable gets buffed lol
I see zero chapter marks,
that you said were there