Loads Of CLASS BUFFS Are Arriving To Season 1! The Meta Shift Is Here | The War Within

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Full List of Class Changes Coming to Season 1:

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ADDONS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wrABg_GvOcI


27 thoughts on “Loads Of CLASS BUFFS Are Arriving To Season 1! The Meta Shift Is Here | The War Within”

  1. Lots of buffs but not for arcane mage, as always, fire and frost can get buffs without nerfs behind but not arcane 🙂 arcane is dumped in B tier in PVP and PVE, no hope so far for anything better.

  2. Surprised by some of the warlock changes but meh. Bit sad demo didnt get anything but at least we got no nerfs.

    I have even less time to play than usual so i dont really care about the other 2 specs

  3. Mage changes are insane… I'm already doin good single target DPS with Frostfire. I find it more reactive and easier to play than Spellslinger Frost. I'm still mad about what they did to Sunfury Arcane, but I was really hopin for some fire mage changes because they really lack damage especially in shorter fights.

  4. They could easily do large number changes like "all abilities +20% damage to Guardian Druids, Devastation Evokers, etc." but they won't, cause than people might have fun playing any class. The gaps are crazy.

  5. I’m surprised they didn’t nerf ench shaman but instead buffed the other hero spec crazy been the top spec for a minute 😂 don’t get me wrong I love my shaman and I’m happy they didn’t nerf it but blizzard logic is to funny sometimes


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