LOREMASTERS ASSEMBLE! Pyromancer and Xaxxas MEGA-CHAT About World of Warcraft Lore!

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24 thoughts on “LOREMASTERS ASSEMBLE! Pyromancer and Xaxxas MEGA-CHAT About World of Warcraft Lore!”

  1. i think we actually have Positive and negatives in wow too. they are clearly ingame but not on the chart.
    Light/dark or Night
    Life / undeath
    Death /stasis (?) maybe immortal
    Order (arcane)/cosmos (astral)

    disorder (fel) /
    Void / Matter

    we have life without light like a Ventyr or a deepsea fish.
    we have undead people who are clearly not "alive"
    we have opposing forces and we will learn ALOT more about them soon imho. (looking at curios Fish Quest and starless night)

  2. So ive been listening to this at work and im just a night janitor so its super chill work just kinda zone out vibes and im about 2ish hours deep into this and its been so engaging that i basically left reality and then when i paused it and shifted back to real life i legit almost passed out 😂😂 like i forgot i was real for a sec there i have no idea lmao but now im sitting on the floor still dizzy and i just had to share that hahaha

  3. The "true" timeline, the Titan's timeline, the one they're trying to protect. It is the timeline where they win, in which Aman'thul doesn't die. His death he saw doesn't happen in this timeline, that's why they try to protect it so much.
    Could this not just be the same as what Moruzond tried to do? That's why they want to protect it, it's the timeline where they win & Aman'thul's death that he saw doesn't happen. The Titan's conspiracy, that the "true" timeline is really just the one where the Titans, especially Aman'Thul live by Ordering all under their control, especially Azeroth. Maybe that's apart of why they made G'huun, if they cannot control the Old Gods or Void, but if they can make a fake version that can fill the role of Void but they can control it, then you don't need the original anymore right?
    What if the future Murozond saw was the Titan's winning? Turning EVERYTHING into something like the Earthern? Personalities and everything gone, No family, No loved ones, No friends, No free will they just follow orders. What is worse, Madness or being an emotionless, souless bound robot following orders for all eternity?

  4. With the connotation that argus in his original base form was more druid like (specifically the mention of malfurion) I can't help but think of mal and illidan. One put to sleep for long time and one locked away deep beneath the earth.

  5. I don’t have an entirely put together theory or whatever it’s just kind of a thought I had but I don’t entirely know everything that would help me convey what I want to say but imagine Argus was a titan or being of life AND death instead of just death and Azeroth was creation and destruction and ik they can go hand in hand but I interpret creation and destruction as you can create and destroy whatever you want and you’re not bound by just making and destroying life where as life and death are more specifically formatted to living creatures and beings and the death of said creatures and beings and where they go afterwards and since you speculate or xaxxus speculates that Argus may be connected to dark Druidism or the drust or whatever so imagine if eonar took Argus abilities of life after Argus was broken or hurt or whatever happened to him I can’t remember if it was ever said and he was just left with his death powers being left broken and called “the unmaker” when he could have been originally “Argus the maker” instead like I said this is just a thought I don’t have enough lore knowledge or ability to remember enough lore to support my idea i just wanted to put out there cause you may be able to decipher it or look at it in a more informed point of view plus if Argus is very similar or is the same as Azeroth world wouldn’t that make him a prime world soul also or something akin to it hence why I believe he may have been death and life and something more involved in the cosmos with more importance then just being a death titan

  6. Hearing you guys talk about Argus got me thinking of Draenor somehow.
    I read up on it again and realized how overgrown by life it was at its beginning = the overgrowth.

    It’s said that Draenor never had a world soul but what if it did?
    What if Eonar (Eonar is literally in the name Draenor btw lol) was it’s world soul?
    After all Genesaur run around on Draenor and have also been seen on Elunaria.

    Just a random thought but maybe there’s more to it?

  7. 4hrs of watching Pyro zoom around Dornogal! YAY!

    Seriously though. Great discussion between you and Xaxxas. It’ll be great to see content stemming from this bouncing of theories.

    Also, I enjoy listening to your introspection.

  8. Pyro's videos on wowlore were probably some of the best videos on wowlore on youtube, if not the best, and I'm talking about when he started his channel, and they were pretty conspiratorial but they were the kinds of conspiracy theories that made you be like "damn, I hope this is all through, because this means the writers are playing 4D chess with the story" and it made you this feeling of so many interconnected characters, storylines and conspiracies instead of the lore being just a regular/typical fantasy story that it is now


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