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World of Warcraft: Shadowlands is the latest WoW expansion. Last week I decided to dedicate to playing this game.
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#Shadowlands #WoW #MMORPG
lowko having another affair of his 10 year relationship.
Let’s do it!!!
We're here for the thumbnails!
LOL It's TREEson. Brilliant, such a Dad pun
If only Blizzard made World of Starcraft…
YES wow content
Finally a thumbnail that accurately shows lowko's body.
I was there for the making of this Thumbnail… it is glorious to see xD
God what an awful video. Lot of bullshit that has nothing to do with game. Not even funny. Embarrassing.
Personally, I'd be more interested if Lowko played Diablo 3 (or 2 or even 1). Guess that can happen when Diablo 4 comes out.
I been having SC2 youtube vids up as i play shadowlands, so this is meta for me
Shadowlands story feels so off because you die and it's basically exactly the same as being alive, just in a different place. Everything is the same. You still have trees, love, hatred, pain, war, honor and even death lol.
"FOR MALDRAXXUS!!" shut up woman, we have been here 10 minutes and are not invested enough yet to care about this place! Also what did you even do before this whole mess happened? It's not like an army could march into the shadow lands to attack it. Why does it need an army for "defense"?
Regardless I'm still enjoying the expansion.
That minesweeper game hurt a lot. Pls don't do it again
Hey lowko can you check out the game "Persona 5" ?
Delete the cannon rush immortal bid
"It's treeson then" wahahahahahaha I laughed so hard, my cats ran away. Awesome joke.
Lowko, Christmas tree before 6 december?!
So starcraft 2 is finally over for lowko….
more wow please! i usually cant make it to the stream but even if you would just upload stream rips of you playing wow to the second channel that would be great
omg i have seen it with the name reference on stream… well, i was actually just listening, but now i am seeing it … awsome.
does lowko have a guild in wow and if so in which realm?
For the Alliance
You bring great shame to the Minesweeper Community, Loko.
My god your thumbnails get better every time