Mage Tower Shadowlands Patch 9.1.5 LIVE Retribution Paladin [Guide – Commentary]

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Hi guys here is my clear of the mage tower for Retribution paladin in the LIVE servers, some changes made are that they fixed the Sanctified Wrath bug now it works and its the best talent we can take on that last row, other changes made in the guide are a more detailed explanation on gear that i use for it and talents, It was a really fun challenge hope you enjoy

Sigryn Repentance Macro:
#showtooltip Repentance
/use [@focus] Repentance

#showtooltip Repentance
/cast [target=focus] Repentance


0:00 INTRO
2:48 GEAR


17 thoughts on “Mage Tower Shadowlands Patch 9.1.5 LIVE Retribution Paladin [Guide – Commentary]”

  1. Whenever I get all of them down to around 20% they use bladestorm blood of father aoe shield and valkary 3 times in a row everytime. Am I just extremely unlucky or something?

  2. The thing in this fight is dps. Besides the informations from this video, I really recommend you all: Try to use repeteance during the blood cast from Sigryn. After you use this, you'll be able to attack her immediately. It was the way how I did the fight and give me much more dps. And, remember: your objective is to cause the max of aoe dps that you can. Doing the repeteance during the Sigryn's blood cast you'll allow to do this, because the blood passive will not be activated, allowing this way you damage against her.

  3. If you interrupt Sigryn during her initial cast with repentance, instead of during her 30 sec channel, you can break it instantly and she will not channel. This allowed me to cleave off of her throughout the whole fight and easily make the dmg check after trying for 5 hours trying to figure out what I was doing wrong

  4. It's funny how you at the end don't have overalping abilities for example sigryn was casting her ability and dude instead of bladestorm did enrage..
    but everytime i get to that phase or whatever its called my dude are doing everything at the same time…like he starts doing bladestorm into sigryn cast and i need to hit shield to inturpt him 😀 this is insane how your encounter is completely different then mine

  5. Finally beat this after something like 12 hours of attempts lol. My advice for those having difficulty is to first focus on surviving until viking guy enrages. Once you do that you'll have seen the whole fight, from there it's just dps. The only minmax gear/consumes that matter IMO are drums/pot and Crusader on a good weapon. You need to be cleaving almost the entire time if you want to beat viking bro's enrage, that's why I say it's a good idea to learn the mechanics as best you can. I downloaded a weakaura to notify me of exactly what abilities were firing off in my last couple hours of attempts, this made it a lot easier for me because I would lose track of the Val'kyrs between all the madness. Get the viking bro down (through cleaving) and then it should be easy from there. I managed to keep my bubble until then which I used to negate shield guy's first cast in the final bursting. Good luck!

  6. Took me around 70 attempts to get it.
    Imo, I think it needs a nerf. Seeing as how it's tuned for legion borrowed power and leggos, and those, as we know, are disabled.
    And seeing as how the reward is just a recolor of the original reward, the difficulty is not worth the prize.

  7. Unfortunately I don’t have access to versatility gear so I think I’m taking too much damage from these axes flying around the room so I’m loosing a lot of dps using word of glory all the time, mid fight I’m sitting around 600 dps so the fight is taking too much longer and it’s causing a lot of overlaps


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