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This video goes over how to make gold with a Disenchanting Shuffle from 9.0.5. People are dumping lightless silk from 2×4 farms and you can use them to make loads of gold with this shuffle! All you need is tailoring and enchanting.
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📁 My Goldmaking Spreadsheets:
✅ Gold Making Addons:
TSM, Loot Appraiser, WIT, Bagnon, Peddler/Scrap
0:00 Intro
1:20 Profit Made
3:40 Spreadsheet Walkthrough
8:40 Example of Shuffle
10:13 Profit from Example
12:11 Outro
🎵 Music:
#shadowlands #goldmaking #guide
This sadly doesnt work on my realm, Lightless silk is still like 25 gold…
Thanks for the video! I love that I just leveled up all of these professions 😀 It's still 14 gold each lightless silk here tho!
Those prices on your realm :O Impressive… but not working on any of my 4 relams worth the time to invest.
How long does it take to craft and DE around 1000 of these?
I've been doing some shuffles you have suggested so this is awesome to know thank you 😀
Sadly enchantment price and its materials on my realm really sucks
Lightless silk 60-100g on my server
sacred shard is 40 gold on my server 🙁
On my materialls are super expenseive (except hide ofc, because I farm that, so I can't make profit from farming either) and soul dust and sacred shards are super cheap. Best is 9k profit/1000 craft xD
I was hyped for a brief moment. EU is retarded
Where to get luminous flux for only 5 gold?
Lightless silk never drops below 30 on my realm. I have al10k sacred shards and it sells a few hundred a day.
i cand find the Spreadsheet of th video!
I really enjoy your videos! They're always clear, informative and helpful.
Nice and helpful as always ❤️
i was doing them before not profitable on my realm anymore 🙁
You've actually helped me make a lot more gold from crafting. Up until recently I only did LW and BS.
I have a tailor I only used for creating bags before and an enchanter I haven't used since Legion.
I started levelling and using the tailor more because of earlier videos you did and now I'm finally motivated to
get my enchanter up to scratch too.
Very nice videos 👍
I'll have to check the prices on my server to see if this even works I know the JC version of this works..
Nice Job!
Also, check out the gph math on the shrouded robe if just doing the vendor shuffle. I think you'll like what you see. 😛
I make the leather wrist since it's only 1 thread (7.2) gold to make. DE, rinse and repeat, or just vender the wrist for 18g profit each.
Thank you so much for all the work!
I've been buying up all the elethium ore in my server, flipping into enchanted bars. Ez 200 gold each time. US Sargeras. Causing a bull run on enchanted prices lol
6k/h on my server, 4g for LS is an insane price
40g lightless silk on my realm 😁
I'm on 3 realms.. nowhere near to 5g price for lightles silk.. Silvermoon/Ragnaros/Areal Peak's prices 35g / 44G / 47G as this morning…
any1 tested in twisting nether ?