Make 500-630k with Disenchant Shuffle! | Shadowlands | WoW Gold Making Guide

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This video goes over how to make gold with a Disenchanting Shuffle from 9.0.5. People are dumping lightless silk from 2×4 farms and you can use them to make loads of gold with this shuffle! All you need is tailoring and enchanting.


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✅ Gold Making Addons:

TSM, Loot Appraiser, WIT, Bagnon, Peddler/Scrap

0:00 Intro
1:20 Profit Made
3:40 Spreadsheet Walkthrough
8:40 Example of Shuffle
10:13 Profit from Example
12:11 Outro

🎵 Music:
#shadowlands #goldmaking #guide


27 thoughts on “Make 500-630k with Disenchant Shuffle! | Shadowlands | WoW Gold Making Guide”

  1. On my materialls are super expenseive (except hide ofc, because I farm that, so I can't make profit from farming either) and soul dust and sacred shards are super cheap. Best is 9k profit/1000 craft xD

    I was hyped for a brief moment. EU is retarded

  2. You've actually helped me make a lot more gold from crafting. Up until recently I only did LW and BS.
    I have a tailor I only used for creating bags before and an enchanter I haven't used since Legion.
    I started levelling and using the tailor more because of earlier videos you did and now I'm finally motivated to
    get my enchanter up to scratch too.
    Very nice videos 👍


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