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Cleaning out my mailbox part 24 in Shadowlands 9.2.7 Find out what I farm, craft, and sell to make millions of gold in World of Warcraft to make thousands of gold in one week. #goldmaking #goldfarming #worldofwarcraft
WOW Time Discord:
Transmog/Skinning/Misc. 2:13
Blacksmithing/Engineering 6:11
Jewel Crafting 16:08
Skinning/Leatherworking 17:14
Blacksmithing #2 17:47
Misc. Bank Toon And Realm 1 Total 18:28
Alchemy/Inscription/Cooking 20:55
Leatherworking 2nd Realm 21:54
Tailoring/Enchanting 22:40
Misc. Bank Toon And Total Gold 23:47
giving me ideas. i wasnt aware eng could make gold. ty