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This video goes over exactly how Drizzling Rose makes her gold with the Garrison. She has been using daily crafts to make gold since Pandaria and the Garrisons were a great way to increase that gold per day! Hopefully this interview can bring some insight to Garrison Goldmaking and please go and show some support to Sarah! Thanks so much for watching!
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0:00 Intro
1:30 Background Information
2:55 Interview Starts
3:55 Why the Garrison?
5:05 Who would enjoy the Garrison?
6:15 How much gold do you make?
9:26 How long does it take per day?
11:43 How exactly do you make gold w/ the Garrison?
12:45 How long does it take to get setup?
15:36 Favorite Method and Why?
18:21 Additional Tips for Starters/Advanced Players
24:06 Outro
🎵 Music:
#shadowlands #goldmaking #guide
i use this same exact strat. I log in maybe a couple hrs for my alt than i leave.
Excellent depth of insight into an area of gold making I've known to exist, just never known the intricacies of. Great job finding other creators with their own niche to share content that may otherwise have gone undetected by your viewers. Always interesting to see people who have their own 'thing' for lazy gold making.
Thank you for this interview. I really enjoyed listening to it.
Thank you for this! I found her guide when you mentioned it on Twitch and i get confused with walls of text too and it looked overwhelming evne in bubbles but hearing her talk
about it was a lot easier to grasp.
great compilation 🙂 the garrison is still a very viable option for making gold.
I like that. It's interesting. Interview… some time to time it's been refreshing to hear content like that.
Awesome. I said just a few hours ago that I would love a Gold making podcast and then saw got this! Love the format and the content of this video. Thanks a lot!
I stopped playing wow in 2014 and picked it back up for the first time a couple days ago. No knowledge of all the changes or anything and it was quite the shock. I'm so lost but finding my way again. Your videos have helped me find my feet again in the gold making/auctioning/crafting world i used to love so much, just wanted to say thanks.
how do you flip them? using a haste alt or?
At level 10 you can get the quest to go to draenor through chromie time and do the quest line to start the garrison. So if you start an allied race character you can start instantly. At level 14 you can begin the halfhill farm quest as well so you can expand your market to cover both. Set your hearth to the inn next to the farm and then you have the garrison hearth as well. Also, for gradual leveling, you can also pick up treasures in draenor and or do the dailies in the farm to get gradual xp. The only trick with halfhill is that several of the dailies need flying so you can do that gradually and then really unlock the farm at 30 when you can fly. Once you get the farm started with four plots you can focus on the mining seeds and work on things like engineer mounts and JC panthers.
The WoD Garrison is a terrific method for making gold!!! Drizzling Rose's Miro board is an AWESOME resource that I wish I had known about when I got started with it! LMAO!!! I have gone about setting up my Garrisons in a different — definitely more time consuming and infinitely less efficient — way, and will spend some time following exactly her method with my currently neglected Horde toons to get them set up in Draenor since I don't play them much right now, but refuse to delete the characters. Thank you!!!
I am a gold maker and I know interesting secrets of making gold. The best way… Do what you love, farm the way you like it, find your own best and fun way to farm something the players need. Bring good vibes to the game <3
Am I overlooking the Weak Aura link she spoke about on the guide? The one that calls out when an epic card flips?