Mal'Ganis Reveals the Plans – Kael'thas and Vashj – Shadowlands 9.1

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The Unseen Guests Chapter 6 of Storyline Shadowlands 9.1
In response to incursions from dreadlord infiltrators, the Primus dispatched you to Revendreth in search of a potential ally: the Stonewright.

There it was discovered that the dreadlords re-infiltrated their old home to rescue Sire Denathrius from his prison. Though the dreadlored succeeded, the Stonewright pledged her Stone Legion to Korthia’s efforts. Revendreth was now free to craft a new sigil.


14 thoughts on “Mal'Ganis Reveals the Plans – Kael'thas and Vashj – Shadowlands 9.1”

  1. Anyone else miss the days when the Legion and Old Gods were the big baddies? Now the Legion’s gone and the Old Gods, just a far off memory, only to be sideshows…sure one might consider Visions of N’Zoth all Old God, but by far all that went into that patch was a long Questline and a raid! They didn’t even make a zone! They just changed out models in several zones!

  2. Blizzards stories are getting lame. The graphics are so 1996… Caravan tilts and the three flying stonewrights also fly crooked…. Every dollar made means only one cent spent on development.


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