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Shadowlands MM Hunter 9.0.2 Guide! Rotation, Talents, Stats overview guide! Thank you so much for watching! I hope you enjoy and after a much requested video! Dont forget to comment what you would like to see in future videos! Tons more Hunter content to come all through shadowlands! If you have any questions feel free to ask me LIVE on twitch!
00:00 INTRO
01:45 Strengths + Weakness
03:19 MM hunter 3 Rules
03:45 Stat priority
08:40 Opener / Rotation
Previous Hunter video:
Raidbots Sim site:
Do you think MM is the best single target in the game? Can they compete in castle with sub rogues?
Was waiting for this, ty and please make more mm content.
What are your thoughts on pre raid trinkets, anything you are targeting specifically?
TY so much!
Helpful af! Keep on ! Tyvm
MM is going to get the absolute nerf of it’s life soon. R.I.P back to BM.
Like the content. subscribed bro
Iam a beginner and this video was so helpful thank you!
great videos man im new to mm and this makes it easy
Great video and content
Make sure to Hunters Mark your target too 😅
kinda in love with this guy – dont know why
You forgot to use Rapid fire on your opener and explosive shot sucks for single target, Careful Aim is better
I disagree with your aoe opening. You are not utilizing the ricochet from volley. This is mine : Fae Ability – Volley – Aimed shot – Rapid fire – Multishot – Aimed shot and so on. This is what I found optimal.
Top Tier Content
Hey im BM atm in SL and destroying meters but afraid that with raid release i might fall behind’ do you think BM will still be good for the raid and how big in dps to you think both specs are overall? Btw my single target dps is about 3.4k over 2 minutes.
+100 points for cat cameo
+100 points for cat cameo
Do you use explosive shot on cooldown on single targer?
Thanks man, I was just looking for this
the only thing you didn't mention was the trick shots interaction for aoe. great guide
Thanks for the help in the video, I started new in wow past week, rushed to lvl 60 without really knowing my rotations and now that I’m into dungeons for some ilevel gear really helped me to go any more blindly into the pull and knowing the actual clean rotation 🙂 👏🏽 keep it up gj!
I have a feeling he’s gonna retract some of this content. First off…you should always mark the target and Misdirect as an opener to help your tank…IMO
why steady focus over streamline?
I couldn’t find a good explanation for MM rotation and your video helped a lot , thanks!
A 1.41 intro is far to long you really need to put some of the rambling at the end this will help viewer retention and your popularity
ayeeeeee you legit! keep it up;) was waiting for this!
You didn´t even talk about trick shots. It´s very important to rrigger trick shots it AoE fight to get rapid fire and aimed shots the AoE buff.
Dude, unreal video. Straight forward and concise – I've been waiting for this type of content since release. Big ups
how can we steal your UI i really like it!
Night fae over kyrain??
Any good macros you would recommend??
I go haste and verse because as a hunter you need some sustain. I think the opener you did is a little more complicated than it needs to be also. You can one shot any class right now by opening with true shot and two aimed shots and a rapid fire. As. 173 ilvl I’m hitting a 12k crit a lot without stacking crit.
hey its pronounced asia
Should you ever use a pet?
thanks man, i needed this alot